Most farduri alverde related news are at:

“Grăsuț și frumos” NU înseamnă sănătos! 27 Aug 2013 | 03:37 pm
Kilogramele în plus sunt asociate deseori cu obezitate infantilă, boli cardiovasculare sau respiratorii, depresii, anemii, afecţuni ale coloanei vertebrale și scăderea stimei de sine. Centrul Smart Li...
Review Avon Mega Effects Mascara 27 Aug 2013 | 11:00 am
La sfarsitul evenimentului Digital Divas, fiecare invitat a primit acest rimel, deoarece Avon s-a numarat printre sponsori. Ca o beauty addict, ce sunt, a trebuit sa-i deslusesc tainele, inca din acea...
More farduri alverde related news:
Paleta NYX Velvet Rope 25 Nov 2011 | 11:47 pm
Este o paleta cu 10 farduri Nyx, care pur si simplu mi-a luat ochii de cum am vazut-o, pentru ca sunt exact culorile mele preferate in materie de make up si care pe deasupra au fost si foarte in voga ...
Red Friday N°2 3 Mar 2012 | 04:31 am
Letzte Woche habe ich den RedFriday leider völlig vergessen aber heute bin ich mit Alverdes "Cherry" wieder dabei. Entschuldigt den merkwürdigen Schatten und Gesichtsausdruck, es war wohl keine so tol...
Alverde Kompaktpuder 10 Naturell, 9 g 25 Apr 2012 | 02:58 am
Alverde Kompaktpuder 10 Naturell, 9 g von Alverde (5) Neu kaufen: EUR 3,75 (In der Gesicht-Bestseller-Liste finden Sie massgebliche Informationen uber die aktuelle Rangposition dieses Produkts.) Pro...
Alverde Transparentes Augenbrauen-Gel, 2er Pack (2 x 1 Stuck) 24 Apr 2012 | 08:24 pm
Alverde Transparentes Augenbrauen-Gel, 2er Pack (2 x 1 Stuck) von Alverde (3) Neu kaufen: EUR 7,90 (In der Beliebteste Geschenkartikel in Make-up-Liste finden Sie massgebliche Informationen uber die...
Alverde 4-teiliges Set zu verschenken* 27 Jan 2012 | 10:00 pm
Damit die Zeit auf dem Blog während der Prüfungszeit nicht so langweilig wird, gibt es ein 4-teiliges Set von Alverde zu gewinnen.* 1. Sweet Harmony Eau de Toilet, blumig leicht (1x getestet) 2. Mine...
Alverde Face Tonic Clear with Pink Clay 14 Jan 2011 | 11:25 pm
This is the second facial toner that I am using from Alverde and I have been using it for a month already. What striked me with the first use of the product was its colour, as you can see in the se...
Alverde Body Butter 13 Jan 2011 | 08:02 am
This little buddy has been my Christmas gift from my best friend and since then we have become inseparable. It is the only body butter produced by Alverde and it is one remarkable product, it’s a pit...
Alverde Shower gel with Grapefruit and Bamboo 29 Dec 2010 | 10:00 am
Ladies and gents I present you one of the stars of the Alverde shower gel collection! This product right here is one of the most appreciated by the consumers, as far as I have seen on forums, blogs an...
Alverde Toothpaste 5 in 1 28 Dec 2010 | 08:29 am
5 in 1! This sounds like a heck of a product, doesn’t it? The five effects that this toothpaste supposedly offers, are: protection against cavities, freshening the breath, removing plaque, preventing...
Alverde Body Oil with Orange and Sandalwood 22 Dec 2010 | 09:54 am
I am back with a review just fit for Christmas. We are talking about this body oil that enchants us with a fresh yet elegant smell of oranges. It is a very liquidy and transparent oil, which can be f...