Most fargo just desserts roe wade related news are at:
– Autographed Letter Signed | A Mostly Center-Right Place For Those With Irritable Obama Syndrome and Diversity Fatigue
Hey!!!! Conservative Girl- Don’t Come Around Here No More 5 Jul 2011 | 02:33 am
Back in the 1980’s I never knew that a song from one of my favorite musical artist would be so politically polarizing. My high school boyfriend and I were on the outs (again) because it was a union ...
The Fog Lifts…Maybe 21 May 2011 | 02:40 pm
Yes, it has been a while. In December, I penned my last blog post and never returned. Zip. Nada. Never even visited my WordPress page. It was never intended you know. What was supposed to be a shor...