Most farmville sheep pen related news are at:

Cafe World Goals Unbelievable Missions 8 Dec 2011 | 10:38 am
Cafe World Goals Unbelievable Goals 1 Have the Astouding Cafe Expansion Ask for 8 Good Ideas (Good Ideas GID Link: Good Ideas) Serve 35 Apple Crumbles (random dishes) Cafe World Goals Unbelievable...
Cafe World Links for Unbelievable expansion Goals 8 Dec 2011 | 10:32 am
Of course, like with most links on this site, you need to add someone to receive these gifts from. You will have to add some people on facebook, namely, Heather Bretts, Henry Dimachio (full), Beverly ...
More farmville sheep pen related news:
Sheep Pen Quest 4: Hogs and Kisses! 26 Jun 2011 | 04:18 am
Sheep Pen Quest 4: Hogs and Kisses; İşte son görevde yapılması gerekenler ve ödülleri: GÖREVLER: 1-5 Love Potion kullanılacak 2-3 domuz yavrusu üretilecek 3-1 Piglet tarlaya konulacak ÖDÜLLER: 1...
Sheep Pen Quest 3: Good Ewes, Everyone! 26 Jun 2011 | 04:09 am
Sheep Pen Quest 3: Good Ewes, Everyone; Üçüncü görevin yapılması gerekenleri ve ödülleri: GÖREVLER: 1-1 Tiger Stripe Sheep üretilecek 2- 200 Rhubarb bitkisi harvest edilecek 3-6 Bottles Of Sheep S...
Sheep Pen Quest 2: Sheep Thrills! 26 Jun 2011 | 04:00 am
Sheep Pen Quest 2: Sheep Thrills ; Görevinde yapılması gerekenler ve verdiği ödüller şöyle : GÖREVLER: 1-Tamamlanmıs sheep pen tarlada bulunacak 2-Sheep Bredlingte 5 koyun çiftleştirilerek 1 level ...
Sheep Pen Quest 1: Sheep Shape! 26 Jun 2011 | 03:40 am
Sheep Pen Quest 1: Sheep Shape ; FarmVille bugün yapmış olduğu update ile English Countryside Tarlasına 4 yeni Sheep pen görevi getirdi . Şimdi size görev 1 den başlayarak yapılacak görevleri ve ödü...
Mothers Day themed items arrive ! 3 May 2012 | 10:20 pm
FarmVille and Zynga have finally released the Mothers Day theme into the market! For a limited time, you can purchase the Carnation Horse, Mother Cow, Canation Sheep, ZebraShark, Shetland Sheepdog, Mo...
Mothers Day Items, Gerber Tree & More! Visit & share ! 14 May 2012 | 03:51 pm
FarmVille and Zynga have added more new items to the Mothers Day theme! For a limited time, you can purchase the Dapple Gypsy Horse, Whale Shark, Mother Sheep, Lion Cub, Somail Cat, Cake Pop Tree, Gia...
FarmVille Limited Edition Mother’s Day Animals: Carnation Horse, Mother Cow, Big Carnation Sheep, Carnation Sheep, Zebra Shark & Shetland Sheepdog 5 May 2012 | 03:31 am
FarmVille Carnation Horse FarmVille Mother Cow FarmVille Carnation Sheep FarmVille Shetland Sheepdog FarmVille Zebra Shark FarmVille welcomed a batch of Limited Edition Mother’s Day animals to th...
FarmVille Unreleased Jade Falls Breeding Pens: Asian Horse Paddock, Cow Pasture, Baby Playpen, Aviary, Habitat & Jade Aquarium 30 May 2012 | 03:35 am
FarmVille Asian Horse Paddock FarmVille Cow Pasture FarmVille Baby Playpen FarmVille Aviary FarmVille Habitat FarmVille Jade Aquarium You already saw the other unreleased FarmVille Jade Falls bu...
FarmVille Winter Holiday Animals: Giant Santa Sheep, Santa Dog, Santa Horse, Santa Sheep & Brown Spot Goat 15 Nov 2011 | 10:42 am
Farmville has released various Winter Holiday animals to the Farmville market, these animals are Giant Santa Sheep, Santa Dog, Santa Horse, Santa Sheep & Brown Spot Goat. Brown Spot Goat is available...
staying present on Tarka Rail 27 Feb 2013 | 04:33 am
The sun was out. A gibbous moon was out also. It was cold outside the train, of course, and the horses in the meadows had coats draped over their backs. Sheep sat together in some pens and in some oth...