Most fashion against aids plzeň related news are at:

Instagram 19 Nov 2012 | 07:51 pm
Tak jsem si pod vlivem okolí založila instagram. Follow me mě můžete tady: nebo pod přezdívkou terezied. Teres :)
Peplum 14 Oct 2012 | 10:30 pm
Nikdy jsem nevěřila, že by maturitní ročník mohl být až takový blázinec. Teprve teď, když jsem konečně pořádně začala chodit do školy, zjišťuji že to žádná sranda nebude. Oproti třeťáku je to opravdu...
More fashion against aids plzeň related news:
fashion against aids. 28 Apr 2012 | 11:05 pm
Heyy Leute... Ich bin echt hin und weg von der fashion against aids Kollektion von H&M. Müsst ihr euch unbedingt mal anschauen! Ich weiß dass es nicht jedermanns Geschmack sein wird, aber ich finde si...
Descubre la colección “Fashion Against AIDS” de H&M 26 Apr 2012 | 08:32 pm
Hoy se pone a la venta la nueva colección “Fashion Against AIDS” de H&M. Econtraréis camisetas, shorts, chaquetas, toallas, vestidos y hasta tiritas o fundas para Iphones con coloridos estampados. Ade...
Se relooker pour le boulot : le co-fondateur de Dress-Me dit oui! 30 Aug 2010 | 01:50 am
Je me présente : Frédéric Assémat, co-fondateur du projet Dress-Me. Il se trouve que je n'ai pas, d'origine, la fibre mode et fashion. Sans aide, disons-le franchement, je ne suis pas fichu de coordo...
H&M - Fashion Against AIDS 29 Apr 2011 | 09:57 pm
Fashion Against AIDS (FAA) is the H&M's project, in collaboration with Designers Against AIDS (DAA) that proposes unisex items there will be sold in Divided department from 26th of April and the 25% o...
Fashion against AIDS by H&M 28 Apr 2012 | 02:20 am
H&M lleva muchas temporadas colaborando en la lucha contra el SIDA. Prendas y confecciones que van más allá de embellecer nuestra silueta y que luchan para conseguir un sueño del que muchas personas p...
H&M - Fashion Against AIDS 2012 16 Jun 2013 | 10:14 pm
In wenigen Woche lanciert H&M lanciert gemeinsam mit Designers Against AIDS seine fünfte erfolgreiche "Fashion-Against-AIDS-Kollektion". Am 19.02.2012 habe ich bereits davon berichtet, hier gelangt i...
Dan Martensen Shoots H&M FAA 2012 Campaign & Short Film 4 Mar 2013 | 06:30 pm
Dan Martensen shot H&M Fashion Against Aids 2012 campaign and directed the accompanying short film. FAA is a yearly collection created by H&M to rise funds and create awareness about HIV and AIDS amon...
Fashion First Aid Kit 10 Aug 2013 | 02:21 pm
Have you ever experienced a fashion crisis that left you thinking, “ugh, if only I had carried….” Whether it’s a wedding, a night out or a date, when you find yourself in a fashion crisis, it’s best ...
Elise Crombez On Cover Elle For DAA 15 Aug 2013 | 11:15 pm
One of the first covers we got for 'Fashion against AIDS' was the cover of Elle Belgique. As you can see, our spokesperson Elise Crombez is wearing the 'Stop and Think' T-shirt designed by Katharine H...
shower floors 30 May 2012 | 02:07 pm
Uncover all varieties of tile to aid you produce a lot more performance and more fashion in your house - showers, flooring, partitions, and counter tops look fantastic with tile.