Most federal tax increase related news are at:

Retirement Finances: Will Your Expenses Drop? Or Just Change? 26 Jul 2013 | 07:53 pm
One of the rules of thumb that has been in existence for a long time, particularly associated with retirement, is the idea that you should plan to need around 75% of your current income in retirement....
Slower Rise For Health Care Costs For 2014? 17 Jul 2013 | 12:03 am
I just got my renewal notice for my health insurance policy (my open enrollment happens during the summer). As has happened every year since I began paying for health insurance, my monthly premium is ...
More federal tax increase related news:
Government Size? 23 Apr 2012 | 09:10 am
Under Reagan, federal employment increased by 200,000. Under Obama, federal employment increased by 38,000 (thru 3/12). Under both, federal employment held the same % relative to population. The u...
SunRise Solar Attic Fan for Southern facing roofs. Attached solar panel. 11-20W 10 Aug 2006 | 08:37 am
SunRise Solar Attic Fan Eligible for the 30% Federal Tax Credit on the purchase price of the fan and installation charges. IRS Form 5695 The environmentally friendly way to cool and protect yo...
Updated First Time Home Buying Tax Credit Rebate Information 5 May 2010 | 09:48 am
The April 30th deadline for filing for a first time home buyer federal tax rebate has technically passed. That being said – there’s a little wiggle room for those that qualify and have entered into a ...
The Adjustment Plan includes a tax increase for citizens 30 Mar 2012 | 01:11 pm
The City Council approved Telde after a contentious vote and a long break unexpectedly, the Adjustment Plan that will allow them to pay suppliers, thanks to Royal Decree-Law 4/2012 of 24 February, app...
October 21: Tax Increase on insurance contracts 24 Oct 2011 | 09:39 pm
October 21: Tax Increase on insurance contracts: What operational performance levers should you use to limit the carry-over charges on client ! A second session is scheduled for November 16. This me...
Big Tax Increases Are Coming if Washington Doesn’t Get Its Act Together Soon 24 May 2012 | 07:54 am
Big Tax Increases Are Coming if Washington Doesn’t Get Its Act Together Soon By Chris Watkins There is surprisingly little attention being paid in the media to the fact that at the end of this year,...
Use REAP Grants/Loans to Subsidize Your Solar Energy System 18 Oct 2011 | 12:16 pm
55% of Commercial Renewable Energy System cost can be subsidized through USDA’s Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) and Federal Tax Incentives. The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) was aut...
Federal Parent Plus Loan 9 May 2012 | 11:16 pm
Families, the long-term financing may consider the direct federal tax Parent Plus loans to fund their children's education. QUALIFICATION The student must: As a dependent for the receipt of federal...
Will Your Refund Be Delayed? 29 Jan 2011 | 09:02 pm
We love the speed and ease of e-filing. When we e-file federal taxes, we enjoy getting our refunds faster and easier than ever before. Unfortunately, Congress’ schedule usually isn’t as convenient for...
Can Your Refund Be Less Than You Expect? 20 Dec 2010 | 09:22 pm
After you file taxes online, know the top tips concerning your refund. Examiner’s Jay Petrillo’s September 21st 2010 article “10 Federal Tax Refund Tips You Need to Know” explores the waiting time tha...