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Linux Mint 15 Cinnamon 3 Jun 2013 | 06:08 pm
Linux Mint 15 “Olivia” has been released so it’s time for another review of one of the most popular distros of all time. Linux Mint has always been one of my favorite distros, it has so much to offer ...
CrunchBang 11 Waldorf 21 May 2013 | 09:54 pm
CrunchBang 11 has been released so it’s time for a review. I last looked at CrunchBang back in 2009. Wow! Has it been that long? I’m pleased to report that CrunchBang 11 didn’t disappoint in any way. ...
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Change Bootsplash in Fedora 14 18 Nov 2010 | 05:05 am
The default bootsplash ( or Plymouth theme) in Fedora 14 is pretty boring, not to say ugly. Fedora has more themes available, to install them all; As root: yum install plymouth-theme-charge plymouth...
Install Modem AHA on Linux System 5 May 2011 | 12:47 pm
Tested kernel : Linux 2.6.32 and UP Tested OS : Ubuntu 10.04 ++, Blankon 6.1, Backtrack 4R2++, OpenSUSE 11.3 ++, Fedora 14, Slackware 13.37, Archlinux Modem : Olive V-ME 110 Provider : AHA (http://...
Problema con Vlc e Fedora 14 10 Apr 2011 | 09:35 pm
Stamani dopo aver riavviato il sistema operativo Fedora 14 dopo un mese di continua ibernazione, ho scoperto che Vlc lettore multimediale aveva dei seri problemi nella riproduzione audio. Non avendo f...
Actualizar de Fedora 13 a Fedora 14 3 Nov 2010 | 08:47 am
Al igual que en otras oportunidades voy a mostrar como se actualiza Fedora usando el programa preupgrade. Pero sin mucha charla, ya que las capturas de pantalla hablan por sí solas. Recordemos que sie...
Free download-RedHat Fedora Linux—open source -Fedora - 14. 20 Feb 2011 | 08:03 am
FREE DOWNLOAD - REDHAT FEDORA LINUX - OPEN SOURCE- CLICK HERE REDHAT FEDORA LINUX First of all, What is Fedora—Fedora is the free version of Redhat Linux developed continuously by fedora .....
Review: Au Petit Chavignol 15 Feb 2012 | 02:57 am
Copyright © 2012 gigi. Visit the original article at My team at work had a volunteering event one morning at the Vancouver Food Bank and ...
Software Interests 25 Jun 2008 | 12:19 pm
Software Interests Fedora 14 Installation Notes & HOWTOs
Hp Envy 14 Review and Specifications 22 Oct 2011 | 11:23 am
Hp has launched its New Laptop called as HP Envy. Hp Envy 14 is well Designed Multimedia laptop providing high Performance and productivity.I will try to Mentions its cons and pro’s Pros Great Look De...
Fedora 14 3 Nov 2010 | 05:07 am
Wydano system Fedora 14 o nazwie kodowej Laughlin. Dystrybucja ta działa pod kontrolą jądra 2.6.35. W systemie znajdziemy środowisko graficzne KDE SC („Software Compilation”) w wersji 4.5 oraz LXDE. W...
Fedora 14 wchodzi w fazę beta testów 17 Oct 2010 | 02:28 am
Dennis Gilmore ogłosił wydanie pierwszej bety dystrybucji Fedora 14. Jest to ostatnia faza rozwojowa przed wydaniem stabilnego wydania na początku listopada, i jednocześnie na tyle stabilna, aby mogli...