Most feed článek wordpress related news are at:

Jak šetřím baterii telefonu, aby vydržela co nejdéle 29 Aug 2012 | 11:11 pm
Nebaví mě každou chvíli nabíjet telefon, takže jsem jej nastavil tak, aby baterii vysával co nejméně. Kromě notorického vypnutí wi-fi, GPS a Bluetooth je zde ještě pár věcí, které mohou při šetření en...
Instagram 9 Apr 2012 | 04:12 am
Nebylo možné si v minulých dnech nevšimnout, že aplikace Instagram (sloužící k napodobování fotografií vytvářených instantními fotoaparáty) byla zpřístupněna pro operační systém Android (původně ji mo...
More feed článek wordpress related news:
請更新RSS Feed 2 Aug 2011 | 02:42 am
由於martinoei.wordpress.com會漸漸開始不作同步更新,要得到最新文章,請更新你的RSS Feed到MO’s notebook 3.75G 請即更新你的RSS Feed 此外,由今日起,部分涉及維基媒體基金會、香港人網的文章,在martinoei.wordpress.com將不許留言,留...
Want a Web Hosting or Cell Phone Affiliate Website? 14 Jul 2010 | 06:37 am
Are you an affiliate of web hosting companies or TMI Wireless and need a website built to market credit cards or cell phones? I specialize in adding affiliate feeds to WordPress sites and creating cu...
Facebook News Feed Patent, Wordpress PubSubHubBub Support, and Google real-time indexing, what is FeedRank role here? 16 Mar 2010 | 08:52 am
Last month some important news came out which were related to feeds, real-time web publishing and indexing. The first news was about a controversial patent that was awarded to Facebook for “Dynamicall...
WordPress 技巧:停用 RSS Feeds 功能 1 May 2011 | 10:13 pm
WordPress 本身就內建 RSS Feed 功能,不過 WordPress 的用途相當廣泛,幾乎什麼類型的網站都可以呈現。如果你想把 WordPress 打造為內容管理系統(CMS)、作為一個公司的網站或資訊頁面的話,那麼你可能不需要 RSS 功能,使用幾個簡單的小技巧可以停用內建的 RSS Feeds,並移除 <head> 標籤裡的 RSS 鏈結。 開啟你的佈景主題下 functions....
如何從 WordPress RSS Feed 裡排除特定分類文章 22 Mar 2011 | 08:26 pm
WordPress 具有無限可能。你可以設計任何樣式的佈景主題,並將 WordPress 運用在各種類型的網站,舉例來說,很多人可能會拿來作為 CMS 。如果你有其他的運用,或許可以了解如何讓 WordPress RSS Feed 不顯示某分類的文章。 我可以告訴你兩種作法,用來排除特定分類的內容,一種是透過修改 RSS Feed 網址並加上參數,另一種是直接把函式寫入 functions.php...
Fix-Rss-Feed 1 Jan 2009 | 10:06 am
The WordPress plugin which helps to fix rss feed errors such as: “Error on line 2: The processing instruction target matching “[xX][mM][lL]” is not allowed.” when you trying to burn WordPress RSS Feed...
WP RSS Images – Include images to your blog feed 21 Jul 2011 | 03:26 am
The wordpress plugin WP RSS Images was updating to include the media extension. Now you can include images to the rss using enclosure and media tag. Enjoy!
Finding the FeedBurner feed ID 20 Nov 2008 | 12:31 pm
WordPress themes with optional eMail subscription links integrated into them require you to enter your FeedBurner IDs. Read no further if you already use FeedBurner and know your FeedBurner ID. If not...
請更新RSS Feed 1 Aug 2011 | 10:42 pm
由於martinoei.wordpress.com會漸漸開始不作同步更新,要得到最新文章,請更新你的RSS Feed到MO’s notebook 3.75G 請即更新你的RSS Feed 此外,由今日起,部分涉及維基媒體基金會、香港人網的文章,在martinoei.wordpress.com將不許留言,留言必須...
Create an Author Comments Feed in WordPress 23 Aug 2012 | 06:00 pm
In recent years blogs have become so popular that and they’re one of the most common ways people get their daily dose of information. It’s not possible for a single person to provide quality content e...