Most feed news api from google related news are at:

Drinks, Banks and Loads of Dosh 2 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
Hello Share Mates, I said that Diageo (dge) the big drinks combo was likely to go up because of the hot dry weather which will have boosted the appetite for drinks, both alcoholic and not so. We were...
When the Take-Overs Really Start 1 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
Hello Share Minders, There was a few months ago a lot of excitement about the prospect of a surge in take-overs and mergers. This was jolly good because we all know that another firm bidding for one ...
More feed news api from google related news: nun auch mit API Key 12 Jan 2011 | 05:56 am nun auch mit API Key: Ursprünglich zur Kürzung von automatisch getwitterten Feedburner-Feeds gedacht, erlaubt der Google URL-Shortener Service nun auch die Verwendung eines API ...
Gravity Pushing Ahead: Google Reader Added To The S60 Twitter Client 21 Oct 2009 | 08:00 pm
Gravity, the Twitter client for the S60 platform, now supports reading RSS news feeds via Google Reader. With this new feature, you can keep up with the latest news in your Google Reader feeds while f...
Google AJAX Feed API and multiple feeds 4 May 2007 | 07:12 am
Пару недель назад Google анонсировал AJAX Feed API, который позволяет загрузить и разместить на веб-странице анонсы новостей из любого открытого Atom- или RSS-канала, используя только JavaScript. Пока...
gReader Pro (Google Reader) v2.9.1 16 Nov 2012 | 06:15 am
gReader is an unofficial Google Reader client for Android. Read all your rss/feed news in one place with Google Reader, where keeping up with your favorite websites is as easy as checking your email. ...
Liebe Feed-Abonnenten: Bitte auf neues Feed umstellen 27 Dec 2012 | 04:36 pm
Neues RSS-Feed von Berufung selbstständig Ich hab mich im Zug der Website-Umstellung auf ein neues Theme auch von Feedburner verabschiedet. Den Zugang zur Feedburner-API hat Google ja schon abgeschalt...
HTML5 And Google Glass 11 Aug 2013 | 05:08 pm
At this time, you can develop for Google glass using: * RESTful * OAUTH2.0 * Mirror API * HTML5 Good news is that Google Glass has now a browser where users can view a website from a search resul...
Google News: FURTO IN CANTIERE EDILE, UN ARRESTO DELLA POLIZIA A ... - AGI - Agenzia 26 Aug 2013 | 10:52 pm
La presente notizia è prelevata per mezzo di feed Rss del servizio "Google news" utilizzando il termine di ricerca "taranto" FURTO IN CANTIERE EDILE, UN ARRESTO DELLA POLIZIA A ... AGI - Agenzia Gior...
Google News: Gli Instabili Vaganti premiati per lo spettacolo sull'Ilva "A Taranto .. 26 Aug 2013 | 10:19 am
La presente notizia è prelevata per mezzo di feed Rss del servizio "Google news" utilizzando il termine di ricerca "taranto" Il Resto del Carlino Gli Instabili Vaganti premiati per lo spettacolo sul...
Google News: "Stop alle trivelle nel Golfo di Taranto" - Taranto Sera (Blog) 25 Aug 2013 | 07:49 pm
La presente notizia è prelevata per mezzo di feed Rss del servizio "Google news" utilizzando il termine di ricerca "taranto" "Stop alle trivelle nel Golfo di Taranto" Taranto Sera (Blog) Il Mare è N...
Google News: Taranto: picchiata in auto da marito, salvata da poliziotto - Adnkronos/ 25 Aug 2013 | 06:49 am
La presente notizia è prelevata per mezzo di feed Rss del servizio "Google news" utilizzando il termine di ricerca "taranto" Adnkronos/IGN Taranto: picchiata in auto da marito, salvata da poliziotto...