Most felda plantation related news are at:

REPORT 7380/06 - SIRUL 25 Aug 2013 | 12:27 am
Allah beri kita akal untuk kita berfikir....
More felda plantation related news:
mencari kepastian 29 Mar 2011 | 04:33 pm
salam geng2 forum..ada sesiapa tau tak berapi gaji penyelia ladang felda plantation? maksud aku kalau baru baru kerja la. masa wat training 1 tahun ada elaun X ?
Nu va suparati, aveti cirese cu viermi? 18 Jun 2009 | 09:35 am
In primavara asta tatal meu a plantat in spatele casei vreo 250 de pomisisori: meri, peri, pruni, ciresi, nuci, caisi etc. de care suntem foarte incantati. Acum vreo 2 saptamani m-au sunat sa le trim...
January 25 2012: Occupy Your Own Space 26 Jan 2012 | 10:59 am
Dorothea Lange PlantationJune 1937"Wife and child of tractor driver. Aldridge Plantation, Mississippi" Ilargi: For today’s global financial problems, there are no solutions that are favorable to eithe...
Charlie Rangel Agreed. Allen West – Liberals Failed Blacks on the Democrat Plantation 20 Aug 2011 | 06:46 am
It is a World that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth… that you are only a battery to them -Morpheus, The Matrix I see Allen West as I see Morpheus Allen West calls out … Conti...
Stealth and plantations in latest patch! 8 Feb 2011 | 01:46 am
We deployed our latest patch last Friday, which brings the ability to hide better from other players, as well as new types of deployable items that produce materials much like plants in the game. Read...
salt roasted branzini 14 Mar 2012 | 05:54 pm
I’d love it if someone would describe me as “salt of the earth.” In an alternate universe where I am a farmer or a coffee plantation owner with a shacky chic house and rattan furniture, it would be so...
4 Days 3 Night Bali Tour Package 3 Nov 2011 | 06:44 pm
4D / 3N Bali tour packages – 1st day : Barong dance, Gold & Silver smith, Mas wood carving, Ceking rice terrace, Kintamani volcano. 2nd day : Mt Batur trekking, Coffe plantation, Lovina Beach. 3rd day...
BN TUMBANG DI TENANG...? 26 Jan 2011 | 03:02 am
Tangan Cikgu Mala Menggoncang Ketenangan BN Ditulis oleh Ketua Pemuda PAS PusatSelasa, 25 Januari 2011 17:11 1. Pertama kali saya menyampaikan ceramah di Felda Tenang bersama Cikgu Normala Sudirman,...
A Plantation of Flavors from Bigelow 18 Feb 2009 | 09:35 am
The 2008 harvest at Bigelow’s Charleston Tea Plantation was one for the books, including the introduction of five brand new American Classic Tea varieties. As the only location in North America where ...
Lebih Banyak Karnival Pekerjaan di Kawasan Felda 10 Nov 2009 | 03:17 pm
Kerajaan merancang untuk menganjurkan lebih banyak karnival pekerjaan di kawasan penempatan Felda bagi memberikan peluang kepada anak anak Felda dan mereka yang jauh dari kawasan bandar mengintai pelu...