Most ferrari 458 challenge related news are at:

Nissan Juke R 26 Aug 2013 | 06:55 pm
Een Nisan Juke met een getunede motor uit de GT-R: 700 pk!
Audi S3 19 Aug 2013 | 06:55 pm
De nieuwe Audi S3 haalt 300 pk uit een tweeliter viercilinder, maar hoe rijdt het?
More ferrari 458 challenge related news:
[Bin3aiah Cars] Update 11/12/2010 11 Dec 2010 | 03:56 pm
Ford Mustang Boss 302 2012 Audi RS3 2011 Ferrari 458 Challenge 2011 Brabus Widestar SLS AMG 2012 Mercedes-Benz CLS 63 AMG 2011 Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Spyder Performante 2012
Virágmintás felnik a tuningolt Ferrarin 2 Jun 2011 | 01:41 am
A Graf Weckerle német tuningcég átalakította a Ferrari 458 Italiát.
Ferrari 458 Italia-cijena za Veliku Britaniju od £169,545 19 Jan 2010 | 12:14 pm
Ferrari 458 Italia na Frankfurškom auto sajmu Kada vozite Ferrari trebate držati oči širom otvorene. Kada kupujete pak Ferrari, pazite da vam oči ne počnu suziti kada vidite cijenu. Koliko je velika ...
Foto del giorno: Ferrari in gara 18 Apr 2012 | 09:25 pm
La foto di oggi ha un tema motoristico, ed è stata presa nella gara olandese Supercar Challenge a Spa Francorchamps in Belgio. La vettura è un modello Ferrari F430 Challenge durante una gara in quell...
Ferrari 458 Italia Manettino, Launch Control and Interior [Sample Post] 23 Apr 2012 | 10:09 pm
The 458 Italia is equipped with a racing manettino switch leading toward more sporting set ups and giving the driver a wider selection of electronic controls parameters. The ICE setting saw in the F43...
「フェラーリ・458 スパイダー」×「アクラポビッチ」マフラー音 5 Feb 2012 | 11:27 pm
トリプル構造のテールエンド。 『Ferrari 458 Spider(フェラーリ・458 スパイダー)』用に開発されたレース用『Akrapovic(アクラポビッチ)』のマフラーサンドです。570馬力を発生させる4.5リッ [...]
2012 Novitec Rosso Ferrari 458 Spider with Carbon Fiber 27 May 2012 | 12:05 am
Carbon dioxide linens isn’t just the superior choice in Formulation 1 racing, but also for any NOVITEC ROSSO aerodynamic-enhancement elements for any Ferrari 458 Spider. the developers centred not onl...
El Ferrari 458 Italia, ¡premiado! 11 Nov 2011 | 06:49 am
El Mundo Ferrari nunca deja de girar. Todas las semanas hay novedades importantes para los apasionados de los coches del Cavallino Rampante. Las últimas del mes pasado, están aquí. El Ferrari 458 Ita...
2012 Ferrari Black Spyder 20 May 2012 | 04:30 pm
2012 Ferrari Black Spyder by Wheelsandmore Front Wheelsandmore recently targeted as a Ferrari 458 Spyder experiments. They will recover a finish alteration package that can hold all sides of a toples...
Ferrari 458 Spider at 2011 Frankfurt Motor Show 15 Feb 2012 | 11:26 pm
A quick update guys from the Frankfurt Motor Show. This year's best looking convertible is Ferrari 458 Spider. It has the same specs as Ferrari 458 Italia. And that means it has 4.5L V8 engine develop...