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Mighty Diamonds Receive Ragga Muffins Festival Award Of Recognition, Long Beach, CA, Feb. 21 4 Mar 2010 | 06:14 am
In honor more than 40 years together as a vocal trio, the Mighty Diamonds received the Ragga Muffins Festival Award of Recognition on Feb. 21. Following their performance at the sold out 29th annual R...
[Pictures] : Moscars Al-Hurria Film Festival, Round 2 10 May 2012 | 07:08 pm
For more Information about the festival, Award Winning Films, & Media Coverages, Please go to The Festival’s Official website:
Foto Hot Party Artis Nadila Ernesta ‘ Black Bikini ‘ 7 Sep 2011 | 04:12 pm
Nadila Ernesta Wins Asia Model Festival Awards Despite knowing that would get the award as Asia Model Festival 2011, held in Seoul Korea. Nadila Ernesta but still could not imagine her feelings when s...
MSP International Film Festival Award Winners 8 May 2012 | 08:06 am
The Winners, Awards, and Jurors: “One of our greatest pleasures in presenting the annual MSP International Film Festival, a 22 day world tour through the lens of 250+ films, is the culmination of the...
‘Manila Kingpin: The Asiong Salonga Story’ dominates MMFF Awards Night 31 Dec 2011 | 08:22 am
“Manila Kingpin: The Asiong Salonga Story” dominated the 37th Metro Manila Film Festival Awards Night held at the Newport Performing Arts Theater at Resorts World Manila in Pasay City on Wednesday nig...
Back to back Awards 3 Jan 2011 | 08:42 am
the Metro Manila Film Festival Awards Night the Famas Awards Night thanks Ange for introducing me to great skill by Sassa Jimenez! I will forever love ;")
Still Skating 20 Jun 2011 | 08:06 pm
A documentary selected for the Arcachon Festival, awarded the 1st Janssen award for sport and adventure films of 1990 and distributed in video format as The Best of Ushuaia by Warner Home Video. Aired...
“Baltic Beach Party” arī Eiropā 22 Oct 2010 | 02:29 am
Kļuvis zināms, ka festivāls „Baltic Beach Party” izvirzīts arī „European Festival Awards” balvai nominācijā „Best Medium Sized Festival”. Līdz 23. novembrim norisinās festivāla apmeklēju balsojums, l...
„Baltic Beach Party” nominēts “UK Festival Awards” 21 Sep 2010 | 07:17 pm
Jau otro gadu pēc kārtas Latvijas apmeklētākais festivāls „Baltic Beach Party”, kas aizvadītajā vasarā nosvinēja 10 gadu jubileju, izvirzīts „UK Festival Awards” nominācijā „Labākais ārvalstu festivāl...
IDSFFK 2012 Awards 13 Jun 2012 | 12:38 pm
The Fifth International Documentary and Short Film Festival of Kerala (IDSFFK) has ended on 12th June 2012. A total number of 204 films were screened in this 5 day long festival. Awards were given at...