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Flash Fiction Friday #13 - Still Here 10 Feb 2012 | 12:42 pm

Sorry I didn't post last week. My life has been full of medical tests, doctors, and exhaustion. It's been an eventful week and we think we found at least one reason for how I've been feeling. The test...

Flash Fiction Friday #12 - Trust 27 Jan 2012 | 03:53 pm

Woohoo! It's my 12th Flash Fiction Friday with the Flashers writing group!!! The group is growing and it's awesome. Enjoy and please feel free to comment. Thanks! Flash Fiction Friday - Writing ch.....

Update and ~Frail Dreams~ 23 Jan 2012 | 10:11 am

I'm sorry my blog has been lacking lately. With the exception of the Flash Fiction Fridays (thank goodness for those), I have been unable to write much.  I most likely won't be entering this year's Va...

Flash Fiction Friday #11 - Welcome 20 Jan 2012 | 03:15 pm

Woohoo! It's my 11th Flash Fiction Friday with the Flashers writing group!!! The group is growing and it's awesome. Enjoy and please feel free to comment. Thanks! Flash Fiction Friday - Writing ch.....

Flash Fiction Friday #10 - Winner 13 Jan 2012 | 03:39 pm

Woohoo! It's my 10th Flash Fiction Friday with the Flashers writing group!!! The group is growing and it's awesome. Do I have have a treat for you this week! This Flash Fiction is a continuation of ....

Flash Fiction Friday #9 - Show Off 6 Jan 2012 | 03:52 pm

Woohoo! It's my ninth Flash Fiction Friday with the Flashers writing group. The group is growing and it's awesome. Enjoy this naughty bit of fun this week! ;) And please feel free to comment. Thanks! ...

Flash Fiction Friday (1) 15 Oct 2011 | 11:00 am

I have seen this post over at My words and pages, with Melissa participating frequently. It sounded like a great idea, so today I give it a shot! The credit for the original idea goes to D...

Flash Fiction Friday 2-24 24 Feb 2012 | 08:24 pm

Cycle Goosebumps, tingles Tingles my skin Skin deep Deep feelings Feelings hurt Hurt soul Soul searching Searching passion Passion for words Words to mouth Mouth I kiss Kiss goodbye Goodb...

Feeling colors (Flash Fiction Friday) 3 Feb 2012 | 07:30 pm

I was in a zen-like state. His cock was spearing me forcefully. I might have had my n-th orgasm... I lost count after a few.  All I know is that I was tasting passion red, smelling soothing green, fee...

Flash Fiction Friday 5-25-12: "Auto-Eroticism" 25 May 2012 | 05:01 pm

(Source image: "Hillary" by Bradley Thurber) The rain was slashing sheets across the windows of my Chevy. The engine ticked, cooling. Jazz played softly on the radio, the players noodling around, no ...

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