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Chancery Rejects Stockholder Demand to Hershey for Books and Records 27 Aug 2013 | 02:57 am
Louisiana Municipal Police Employees’ Retirement System v. Hershey Co., No. 7996, Master’s Report (Del. Ch. Aug. 16, 2013). This decision rejected a demand for books and records of the Hershey Compan...
Indemnification Claim Dismissed as Premature 13 Aug 2013 | 03:42 am
Huff v. Longview Energy Co., C.A. No. 8453-CS (Del. Ch. Aug. 12, 2013). This short letter ruling granted a motion to dismiss a claim for indemnification pursuant to DGCL section 145(c) based on the ...
More fiduciary duty llc members related news:
The reason Omar "resigned" 27 Aug 2013 | 12:28 pm
[Quote]Messila House Ltd and Fawaz Al-Hasawi v Omar Al-Hasawi A dispute between members of the Al-Hasawi family, owners of Nottingham Forest FC, in respect of alleged breaches of fiduciary duty in th...
Chancery Determines Ownership Interest in LLC and Remedy for Breach of Fiduciary Duties 10 Aug 2013 | 04:33 am
Grove v. Brown, C.A. No. 6793-VCG (Del. Ch. Aug. 8, 2013) Issues Addressed: This post-trial opinion addresses issues involved in a 4-person LLC whose members disputed: (1) what specific ownership int...