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Recovering from a PR Disaster 14 Jun 2012 | 03:12 am
Last week’s leaked LinkedIn password scandal is just another in a stream of PR disasters that companies occasionally have to deal with. About 6.5 million LinkedIn passwords were allegedly posted on a ...
Recovering from a PR Disaster 14 Jun 2012 | 03:12 am
Last week’s leaked LinkedIn password scandal is just another in a stream of PR disasters that companies occasionally have to deal with. About 6.5 million LinkedIn passwords were allegedly posted on a ...
Scandals 17 Jan 2013 | 02:51 am
Sex on White Beach Early in the morning a drunk foreign tourist and his Filipina girlfriend were seen on White Beach, Puerto Galera, having sex on the beach. According to news reports a local started...
Filipina Doctor Yas Muralla Scandal? 6 May 2013 | 11:24 am
I have no idea who this doctor Yas Muralla was nor was I even aware of the show “Doctors on TV”. But there’s this nude photos of her that’s making rounds on Facebook. I’m not so sure if this was indee...
Monday’s Musings: NSA PRISM Scandal Hurts US Cloud Companies And Hastens The Return Of On-Premises Software 12 Aug 2013 | 03:30 pm
Non-US Based Organizations And Even Some US Organizations Will Not Tolerate Snooping In A Post PRISM World Since the Edward Snowden PRISM revelations, Constellation has received a steady stream of in...
Egyptian Revolution becomes Egyptian Civil War? Arab Spring becomes Arab Fall? The Future of Egypt in the Prophecy of Isaiah. Hogue Egyptian Predictio... 19 Aug 2013 | 09:35 pm
PROPHECY NEWS STREAMS Fukushima Prophecies Ayn Rand Prophecies Obama Snowden Job Some new prophecies for 2014 Nostradamus Mabus Prophecies PRISM Scandal Predictions Syrian Civil War Prophecies Pope F...
Egyptian Bloodbath, Californian Silver Fire and US Midwest Floods, Fukushima Fuk-up into the Pacific, more Predictions for 2013 and Predictions for 20... 11 Aug 2013 | 12:27 am
Fukushima radioactivity. PROPHECY NEWS STREAMS Ayn Rand Prophecies Obama Snowden Job Yemen Embassy Closure Baked Alaska Nostradamus Mabus PRISM Scandal Predictions Syrian Civil War Join Free Newsle...
Predictions for 2013 and Predictions for 2014, Record Summer Temperatures in Climate Change, US Embassy Closings and Snowden, Boston Marathon Bombing ... 6 Aug 2013 | 07:32 pm
PROPHECY NEWS STREAMS Egyptian Revolution Prophecies Obama Predictions PRISM Scandal Predictions Syria into the Abyss Chemical Weapons in Syria Pope Francis Prophecies Join Free Newsletter DATELINE...
Egyptian Coup, Morsi Down, New Mao in China, Obama the Ersatz Leader says Everybody Spies, His excuse for PRISM, Snowden and Worldwide Secret CIA Surv... 4 Jul 2013 | 04:00 am
PROPHECY NEWS STREAMS PRISM Scandal Predictions Syria into the Abyss Hurricane Season 2013 Chemical Weapons in Syria Alex Jones Freudian Slip Showing Pope Francis Prophecies Join Free Newsletter M...
Snowden NSA PRISM Scandal, Brazilian Protests, Baked Alaska, Syria into the Abyss and Alex Jones shows his Freudian Slip 24 Jun 2013 | 03:43 am
PROPHECY NEWS STREAMS Hurricane Season 2013 2013 Tornado Season Chemical Weapons in Syria Alex Jones False Flagging Pope Francis Prophecies Join Free Newsletter DATELINE 23 June 2013: Obama Admini...