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I’m back, but an alien’s inner jaw is missing 7 May 2010 | 10:49 am
Well after a prolonged break due to volcanic ash and a break to recover from that, I’m back! To welcome my return, here’s an appeal for information from the London Film Museum who have misplaced the....
Pagelaran Musik Seni Rupa dan Film ''Museum'' 7 Feb 2012 | 01:42 am
Pagelaran ini dilaksanakan pada Tanggal 19 February 2012 dan bertempat di Adipura Wonosobo. Acara ini juga dimeriahkan oleh beberapa Band yang ber-genre Root,Rock,dan Reggae. Untuk tiket masuk bisa di...
Our New Project: Kieslowski in Posters 10 Aug 2011 | 02:26 am
After months of planning and collaborating, we’re excited to finally tell you about an exhibition we have put together along with the Polish Consulate in Toronto and the Film Museum in Łódź. On Septem...
London Film Museum – iPad iTour App 24 Apr 2012 | 06:56 am
We are pleased to announce the launch of the new iPad App for The London Film Museum. The App is the first of its kind, enabling visitors of the museum to scan QR codes throughout their visit to the m...
April 14, 2013 | Film 14 Apr 2013 | 09:30 am
| Film | Museum Hours Washington Premiere at the National Gallery of Art. A film by Jem Cohen. A graceful and polished tribute to the power of art, Jem Cohen's new narrative feature is also a shrew...
[韓國] 數碼媒體城 Digital Media City 19 Jun 2013 | 01:00 pm
在 Digital Media City (數碼媒體城), 主要有的是科技公司、和演藝公司. 我們在星期四早上和下午出來 DMC 時, 每次經過這個位置, 都是排了二百多位女生, 看她們手上都拿著 CD, DVD, 等待著入內見偶像. 還有 Film Museum. 這次來首爾是為了協助今年 GNOME Asia Summit 舉行, 得到韓國法定成立的 IT 推廣機構 NIPA (Nationa...
A City Cinematic History :: The Shanghai Film Museum 3 Jul 2013 | 06:46 pm
Award winning agency Coordination Asia has transformed a former film studio into the Shanghai Film Museum, the first center dedicated to documenting and promoting the city's cinematic history.
Reactions to the opening of the new permanent exhibition at the Filmmuseum Potsdam 5 Jan 2013 | 09:50 pm
The new permanent exhibition “100 Jahre Traumfabrik Babelsberg” opend on November, 3rd 2011 at the museum of film in Potsdam. Some reactions from the press: rbb Online am 02.11.2011: Neben Gucken un...
[韓國] 數碼媒體城 Digital Media City 19 Jun 2013 | 01:00 pm
在 Digital Media City (數碼媒體城), 主要有的是科技公司、和演藝公司. 我們在星期四早上和下午出來 DMC 時, 每次經過這個位置, 都是排了二百多位女生, 看她們手上都拿著 CD, DVD, 等待著入內見偶像. 還有 Film Museum. 這次來首爾是為了協助今年 GNOME Asia Summit 舉行, 得到韓國法定成立的 IT 推廣機構 NIPA (Nati...
A petition to save the Portuguese Film Museum - Institutions – Portugal 26 Aug 2013 | 01:59 pm
The signatories ask for the future of the Film Museum to be discussed in Parliament and for the latter to ensure the constant funding of the institution via a normative framework