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Vreau sa cumpar acest telefon. Ma p... 8 Aug 2012 | 02:17 pm
Vreau sa cumpar acest telefon. Ma puteti ajuta cu un contact al persoanei care-l vinede?
Kamelia - I Don't Care 3 Aug 2012 | 08:03 am
An Lansare: 2012 Gen Muzical: Electronic/Dance Stil: Club/Dance
More film scanner related news:
Portable VueScan Professional Edition 8.4.81 2b 14 Dec 2008 | 05:01 am
Portable VueScan Professional Edition 8.4.81 2b is a powerful, easy to use program that: * works with 1200 flatbed and film scanners *Nikon, Minolta, Polaroid, Microtek, Epson. * runs on Mac OS X, Win...
Download driver Canon CanoScan D646U, D660U,D1230UF, D1250U2F,D2400UF 25 Apr 2011 | 03:20 pm
The groundbreaking CanoScan D646U, D660U,D1230UF, D1250U2F,D2400UF USB flatbed scanner is Canon innovation at its best a photo and film scanner so versatile, so easy-to-use and so feature-rich, it tak...
برنامج للماسح الضوئي سكانر VueScan Pro 9.0.94 11 May 2012 | 06:00 am
Features : • Works with 1200 flatbed and film scanners • Runs on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux • Improves your productivity and quality of scans • Has been downloaded more than 5 million times • Creat...
Canon Scanner Negative – Seeking out the Best Film Scanner 14 Apr 2011 | 03:40 am
Canon Scanner Negative – Seeking out the Best Film Scanner Finding a scanner designated for a specific purpose is becoming easier than ever with all of the different models on the market from Canon a...
Plustek Opticfilm 7600I Ai film Scanner 28 Jul 2012 | 01:08 am
Here the reviews about Plustek Opticfilm 7600I Ai film Scanner. Scans 35m film and slides. Includes Silverfast Ai Studio scanning software. 7200 DPI resolution. iSRD infrared dust and scratch remo...
35mm Film Scanner 16 Feb 2013 | 03:12 am
Scanner for 35mm negativ film med 2.3 tommers LCD skjerm som viser resultatet umiddelbart. Filene lastes opp direkte til SD minnekort og overføres enkelt til datamskinen din. Price:kr 1 990,00 Speci...
fotografar negativos com telemóvel 3 Mar 2013 | 11:53 pm
Um novo projecto com o nome de Lomography Smartphone ( para usarmos um telemóvel para fotografar os antigos negati...
Lomography Smartphone Film Scanner 13 Mar 2013 | 12:14 am
This device works in a similar way to the superior slide and negative to digital picture converter that I wrote about the other day. However, this particular version uses either an iPhone or Android p...
Lomography Smartphone Film Scanner [unboxing and first scans] 4 Apr 2013 | 12:39 am
I was an early backer of the Lomography Smartphone Film Scanner Kickstarter project. The scanner arrived a few weeks ago, but I'd been waiting to open it until the Lomography Scanner app was available...
スマートフォンで35mmフィルムを取り込める「Smartphone Film Scanner」 27 Aug 2013 | 09:50 am
"> 最近ではデジカメに押され、フィルムカメラを利用する人は少なくなった。しかし今も趣味でフィルムカメラを利用している人や、昔撮った写真のフィルムを大事に保存している人もいるだろう。そんな人にとって便利なのが、現像済みのフィルムを画像データとして取り込める「フィルムスキャナ」だ。ロモジャパンの「Smartphone Film Scanner」なら、スマホを使って手軽にフィルムをスキャンして、画像...