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Ashdin’s Birthday! 14 Aug 2013 | 03:45 am
A brother is a cool thing to have. Especially when you get to pick on him when he’s little, then compliment him when he’s older ;-) Mine is turning 26 today, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHDIN! Here’s a few ...
August 2013 – Day 8 9 Aug 2013 | 03:59 am
Spent all of yesterday just filming a promo for the book with Johnny Bones. Spent from 10am till 5:30 setting up stuff, filming etc. The post August 2013 – Day 8 appeared first on Neville's Finan...
More financial blog related news:
Friday Roundup of Financial Blog Posts 25 May 2012 | 07:39 pm
Today being Friday I thought I would give you all some links to things being talked about at other financial blogs. Happy Reading! Over at The Digerati Life there is another great article on how other...
Thank You, American Express 24 Dec 2011 | 03:38 pm
American Express just ran a promotion called The Gift Chain. I saw it referenced on several of the financial blogs that I read. Most of them noted that American Express was giving statement credits an...
Emergency fund = No bank fees 1 Feb 2011 | 08:05 am
So the topic of high interest savings accounts has been beaten to death in the financial blogging world. I’m not about to regurgitate some great work by other bloggers, if you’re looking for informati...
My 2011 Stock Picks 3 Jan 2011 | 05:28 pm
I read alot of financial blogs and I see that many of the bloggers like to have a friendly competition in picking top performing stocks for the year. I’m new to the world of blogging so I certainly do...
Top 10 Financial RSS Feeds 15 Mar 2012 | 06:48 am
Subscribing to financial RSS feeds is a good way to get financial help and tips, as well as news, sent to your computer directly. When you subscribe to a financial blog their RSS feed sends you any n...
Best Rewards Credit Card 16 Dec 2011 | 02:41 am
Recently, as I’ve been surfing the Internet, reading financial blogs and yahoo finance forums, I’ve started to notice an interesting credit card trend. The major banks are getting REALLY aggressive w...
Foldedspace Now at 7 Aug 2009 | 04:45 am
Just a reminder that all of my non-financial blogs have been folded into one. Foldedspace is back! But you won’t find it here. Instead, head on over to the new Foldedspace at
Foldedspace Now at 7 Aug 2009 | 12:45 am
Just a reminder that all of my non-financial blogs have been folded into one. Foldedspace is back! But you won’t find it here. Instead, head on over to the new Foldedspace at
Ironic Financial Blog 21 Jan 2013 | 10:49 pm
I haven’t been around for awhile now (obviously) and I ended up letting the domain hosting for this expire. When I went to go look at it, I just felt a pang – I’m not ready to let this blog go yet. So...
I am back!! 1 Jun 2013 | 10:12 am
After a hiatus on my financial blog.. I am back with a bang.. Look out for my posts on a regular basis (Subscribe to the blog using the links on the right. Become a follower of the blog)