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Claim: “most lawyers won’t even take age discrimination cases” 27 Aug 2013 | 05:37 pm
In an article today on challenges facing older jobless workers, New York Times reporter Michael Winerip asserts that “Since the Supreme Court ruling [Gross v. FBL Financial Services, a 2009 Supreme Co...
Labor and employment roundup 27 Aug 2013 | 09:05 am
“Is the main effect of the minimum wage on job growth?” [Tyler Cowen] Minimum wage is transitional wage; most workers who receive it will earn higher rate in the next year if they stay employed [same]...
More financial crisis inquiry commission related news:
Veröffentlichung des kompletten FCIC Reports 28 Jan 2011 | 09:35 am
Am 13. Januar 2010 hat die FCIC, die Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission in den USA, die erste Anhörung veranstaltet. Ziel dieser zehnköpfigen Kommission unter dem Vorsitzenden Phil Angelides war es d...
Building revolution needed to curb housing crisis 26 Oct 2012 | 07:35 pm
Published by WARREN LEWIS- Friday, October 26, 2012 Today the findings of the Future Homes Commission’s year-long independent inquiry into the quality of newly built housing has been published ‘Buildi...