Most fingers pointing at the moon related news are at:

The Courage to Live Your Dream 21 Aug 2013 | 05:17 pm
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” ~ E.E. Cummings [Tweet this!] I noticed that I’m pretty close to living my dream right now. I have the woman and family of my dreams, I d...
My 3 Realizations About Life After I Reached My Dream 1 Aug 2013 | 05:46 pm
The very first time I found myself determined to achieve a goal was during my teenage years when I wanted to go to Japan and study Computer Science there. It was the biggest dream for me at the time ...
More fingers pointing at the moon related news:
Thought for Mon, 17 May 2010 17 May 2010 | 08:03 pm
It is not for us to search but to remain still, to achieve Immobility not Action. - Fingers Pointing Toward the Moon by Wei Wu Wei...
"It's the moon, stupid" (!) 23 Aug 2013 | 11:37 pm
"'When the finger points at the moon, the idiot looks at the finger.' [...] the material world points beyond itself to God; but the secularist sees only the material world. The material side of human ...
Carolina Morace: not the problem 7 Jul 2011 | 12:06 am
Well in the bigger picture, she's not the one to blame. When Canada lost to France on Thursday, ultimately eliminating them from the Women's World Cup, naturally finger pointing began and Canadian so...
The Fingers and the Moon 14 Apr 2011 | 03:35 am
“The finger that points to the moon is not the moon. To see the moon it is necessary to gaze beyond the finger”. Hui Neng, 6th Zen Patriarch. The other night, my friends and I started discussing our ...
Hurricane 19 Mar 2012 | 03:25 am
Went to the clinic today. "Heya, doc!" Fingers pointing up --sad face. "What is wrong with me?" Cold. Stare. Shook head. Prescriptions : MAOI Class 5 depression. I, sound like a hurricane! By Kamal ...
Soul Song for the Ocean – a response to the Gulf Oil Spill 18 Jun 2010 | 03:33 am
There’s been a lot of finger-pointing and blaming and complaining about this oil spill. And yes, choices were made that did not have pleasant results…. and that were perhaps beneficial (in the moment)...
“Who’s to blame” Poor Leadership, Board of Education, Upper Management, Lower Management, Staff, Teachers, Budget Cuts, Unions, Parents or Current Economic Crisis? You can do all the finger-pointing y...
Movember — Final Day 1 Dec 2010 | 12:18 am
Well, it’s all nearly over … I’ve got through the itching, insults and finger-pointing and ended up with quite a nice tash (at least I think so). I would like to thank every single person that has don...
The Hit List 7 Nov 2011 | 07:33 pm
A disgruntled man creates a hit list with a stranger during a drunken night out and must then race to try to save those he marked for extermination as the bodies begin to pile up and all fingers point...
For the record 31 Jul 2011 | 09:53 pm
I am sorry that I have to put this message up. I am here to clear my name before any finger-pointing and name-calling thing begins. This is really interesting. After a fallout with a good friend yest...