Most firebug related news are at:

人类的心理行为模式----《影响力》笔记 23 Aug 2013 | 08:07 pm
网上流传一份查理·芒格(Charlie Thomas Munger)的推荐书单。 其中有一本心理学著作《影响力》,芒格是这么说的: "这本了不起的书,解释了我们如何被他人操控,可别犹豫把它推荐给你的朋友。" 据说,芒格特别喜欢这本书,还向它的作者罗伯特·西奥迪尼(Robert B.Cialdini)赠送了一股伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的股票(价值10万美元)。 因为芒格的推荐,我就去读了这本书。它...
Linux 的启动流程 17 Aug 2013 | 01:37 pm
半年前,我写了《计算机是如何启动的?》,探讨BIOS和主引导记录的作用。 那篇文章不涉及操作系统,只与主板的板载程序有关。今天,我想接着往下写,探讨操作系统接管硬件以后发生的事情,也就是操作系统的启动流程。 这个部分比较有意思。因为在BIOS阶段,计算机的行为基本上被写死了,程序员可以做的事情并不多;但是,一旦进入操作系统,程序员几乎可以定制所有方面。所以,这个部分与程序员的关系更密切。 我...
More firebug related news:
How to use Firebug To Speed Up Your Website 30 Jan 2011 | 10:07 pm
I've been using Firebug for a while now, but never realized this cool network debugging feature existed. It's pretty easy to use and can help you speed up a slow website by pointing out what is... [[...
Using jQuery to switch div class names for animations 18 Jan 2012 | 09:31 am
Check out the link below. jQuery switching div class effect with animations. I’m using Firefox with Firebug addon to see the div automatically change from “newClass” to “anotherNewClass”. Look at t...
Uncaught TypeError: object is not a function solved 27 Mar 2012 | 11:37 pm
When button clicked nothing happens. But must, because have onclick attribute with call to some JavaScript function. When open firebug realized that error "Uncaught TypeError: object is not a function...
Modifier le CSS de son thème WordPress avec Firebug 1 Mar 2012 | 02:03 am
Vous êtes nombreux à choisir vos thèmes WordPress en fonction de sa couleur, de sa structure, des images qu’il contient, etc. Vous mettez beaucoup de temps à choisir le thème qu’il vous faut car il r...
Firebug Everywhere 28 Sep 2011 | 07:24 am
Firebug everywhere is a plugin that allows you to display the latest firebug lite 1.4 within your joomla site, it supports any browser that has java script enabled so basically it will work on any bro...
Debugging and Testing PT3 26 Apr 2012 | 02:54 pm
Tools such as firebug in mozillae firefox and element inspector in google chrome can be used to debug websites. Screenshot shows AgNetPro web interface being debugged using the inspect element feature...
1.7 Firebug — панацея верстальщика 26 Nov 2011 | 10:45 am
В данной статье я познакомлю Вас с отличнейшим приложением для верстальщика, с которым мы будем тесно связаны на протяжении всего курса. Приветствую вас друзья. Сегодня мы поговорим о панацее для любо...
Αναβαθμίστηκε το firebug με 4 νέα χρήσιμα χαρακτηριστικά! 18 May 2012 | 04:00 pm
Αναβαθμίστε το firebug σας στην τελευταία έκδοση όπου προστέθηκαν 4 νέα δυνατά features. To firebug πλέον βρίσκεται στην έκδοση 1.10a8 και σε αυτή την έκδοση διορθώθηκαν 25 bugs και προστέθηκαν ...
Firebug 2 26 May 2012 | 09:31 am
The follow up to the highly successful Firebug! Can you get Firebug to the end of all 33 levels and collect all the Jelly Beans? New features, including improved Double-Jumping, Fans (get a lift), D...
Tips, Tricks and Tools 18 Jul 2011 | 01:26 pm
Here are a few links for the Firefox Plugins I use. If you use Google Chrome you can find them at Google. If you use IE... Got nothing for you. Web Developer for Firefox FireBug for Firefox Page Sp...