Most firefox geolocation test related news are at:

애플 WWDC, 5가지 곁다리 잡기 11 Jun 2013 | 02:15 am
애플의 WWDC가 개막했다. 역시 세계 최고의 IT 회사답게 멋진 개발자 행사를 준비하고, 새로운 운영 체제와 기기, 신규 기능 소개도 깔끔하게 끝냈다. 아마 많은 기사와 블로그에서 칭찬과 비평이 곁들어지겠기에 키노트를 보면서 내가 그냥 느낀 그대로 몇 가지를 적어보고자한다. 1. 애국심 마케팅으로 국면 전환 애플, 구글을 비롯해서 미국의 주요 IT 기...
플리커(Flickr), 이유 있는 변신 21 May 2013 | 04:41 am
야후!가 돌아왔다. 어제 텀블러 인수건에 이어 또 야후! 이야기를 쓸 줄 몰랐다. 오늘의 주인공은 플리커(Flickr)다. 1TB(1000GB) 무료 사진 저장 공간을 제공한다. 디지털 카메라 붐을 타고 사진 공유와 소셜 태깅으로 일약 웹 2.0의 총아로 부각했지만 지금은 뒷방 늙은이 신세가 되었는데 한방에 관심을 되돌려놨다. 야후!의 새 CEO 메리사...
More firefox geolocation test related news:
D’Business 8 Oct 2009 | 05:52 am
“Business” Wordpress Theme. Features: * nice design, suitable for “business” niche blog * rss ready, widget ready * compatible with many browser (have tested on firefox, IE) * tested and working...
D’Class 5 Oct 2009 | 02:19 am
“Education” Wordpress Theme. Features: * nice design, suitable for “educations” niche blog * rss ready, widget ready * compatible with many browser (have tested on firefox, IE) * tested and work...
D’Mobile 4 Oct 2009 | 02:34 am
“Mobile” Wordpress Theme. Features: * nice design, suitable for “mobile” or “gadgets” niche blog * rss ready, widget ready * compatible with many browser (have tested on firefox, IE) * tested an...
D’Gadgets 1 Oct 2009 | 09:06 am
“Gadgets” Wordpress Theme. Features: * nice design, suitable for “gadgets” niche blog * rss ready, widget ready * compatible with many browser (have tested on firefox, IE) * tested and working w...
D’Pokers 1 Oct 2009 | 07:25 am
“Poker” Wordpress Theme. Features: * nice design, suitable for “poker” or “casino” niche blog * rss ready, widget ready * compatible with many browser (have tested on firefox, IE) * tested and w...
D’Homes 30 Sep 2009 | 12:59 am
“Home” Wordpress Theme. Features: * nice design, suitable for “home” niche blog * rss ready, widget ready * compatible with many browser (have tested on firefox, IE) * tested and working with th...
D’Computers 30 Sep 2009 | 12:49 am
Computers Wordpress Theme. Features: * nice design, suitable for computers niche blog * rss ready, widget ready * compatible with many browser (have tested on firefox, IE) * tested and working ...
D’Doctors 29 Sep 2009 | 01:47 am
Health Wordpress Theme. Features: nice design, suitable for health niche blog rss ready, widget ready compatible with many browser (have tested on firefox, IE) tested and working with the last v...
GuMax 3.4.5 Template 4 May 2009 | 08:32 pm
Release notes - new Mediawiki releases updates - enhanced design and layout - tweak based on feedback from users - IE Png fix - other bug fixes The template has been tested on Firefox 3.0 and up...
Wizz RSS maxVersion bumped to 6.0.* 18 Aug 2011 | 11:20 pm
For those who have upgraded to Firefox 6.0, I have bumped maxVersion, in Wizz RSS, to 6.0.n, and it seems to work. I haven’t done any comprehensive testing, but I’m using it myself and I haven...