Most firefox nightly build related news are at:

[勉強したこと]WordPressでカテゴリー毎にシングルページのテンプレートを変更する方法 20 Jun 2013 | 12:58 pm
カテゴリ毎にsingleページのテンプレートを変更する方法です。 しかし、現在のWordpress3.1から投稿フォーマットが利用できるようになり、あまり需要が無いかもしれませんが、仕事上利用することがありましたのでメモ程度に記事にしてみました。 上手なコード書ければいいのですが自分用ですので直した方がいい箇所があればコメント頂ければと思います。 では以下のコードをテンプレートファイルのルー...
ただいま写真やらSNSにはまってます。 16 Jun 2013 | 06:12 pm
久しぶりの投稿です。 最近はいまさらですがSNSやらにハマってます。ほんといまさらなんですが、やはりアクションを頂けるのは嬉しいことです。 ということで今やってるSNSは、定番のTwitter。 Twitterは、ほんと適当なことやってるとこです。基本ブックマークとか、写真投稿とか、あとフォロワーさんに質問して助けて頂いてます。それとwordpressの情報とかもここから調べたり。 特に便利...
More firefox nightly build related news:
Firefox nightly builds add a combined Stop/Go/Refresh button to the Location Bar 20 Sep 2010 | 06:22 pm
In an effort to streamline Firefox’s UI, the latest Firefox nightly builds have moved the Stop/Refresh button into the right corner of the Location Bar. I like this move even if the Firefox developers...
Firefox nightly builds add a combined Stop/Go/Refresh button to the Location Bar 20 Sep 2010 | 02:22 pm
In an effort to streamline Firefox’s UI, the latest Firefox nightly builds have moved the Stop/Refresh button into the right corner of the Location Bar. I like this move even if the Firefox developers...
Web Console improvements and the new Browser Console 10 Apr 2013 | 02:12 am
Today we just landed three new Web Console features you can play with in tomorrow's Firefox Nightly builds! On a related note, Victor Porof also landed the new network monitor which gives you a very ...
AMX Mod X Nightly Builds, 1.8.0 Beta 17 Aug 2007 | 04:25 pm
Download Firefox 13.0a1 UX for free 9 Feb 2012 | 08:28 am
Firefox 13.0a1 UX | 15.70 MB Firefox UX build will install with other Firefox builds like aurora . it will share access to existing Firefox settings . Firefox UX changes to the program's user inter...
Tutorial Upgrade Cyanogenmod 7.0 Nightly Build Nexian Journey A890 19 Jan 2011 | 08:57 pm
Cyanogenmod telah mengeluarkan Custom Rom terbarunya yaitu Cyanogenmod 7.0 yang mengandung OS Gingerbread (2.3). Tahap terakhir yang mereka keluarkan adalah versi Nightly Build atau yang dapat kita se...
New Firefox Nightly and Aurora logos unearthed, and how to enable channel switching 12 Apr 2011 | 12:35 am
Later today, Firefox will undergo its biggest developmental upheaval ever. Mozilla-central, the source of nightly builds, will be renumbered to version 5 -- and at long last, after years of wallowing ...
Deploying a WindowsService using TeamBuild 2010 16 Dec 2010 | 08:49 am
We needed to deploy a WindowsService in our nightly build. We deploy to a Development, a Test and Acceptance environment. That for the moment all these ‘environments’ are on the same physical server d...
Problems with latest stable Flex 4 nightly build 5 Feb 2010 | 08:25 am
I have commercial project in Flex 4. That’s great I always wanted to use Flex 4 for commercial project (otherwise I didn’t have time to work with Flex 4). It was too risky, because Flex 4 is just beta...
The Integration of Firefox 3.7+ and Windows 7 6 Apr 2010 | 12:26 pm
Last night, I took a chance and downloaded the nightly build of Firefox 3.7 Alpha 4 Preview. I was impressed with the UI enhancements, and also with what was under the hood. Please know that this ve...