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Color relation for designers – RGB and CMYK 10 Jul 2012 | 08:19 pm
In this article describing about a basic relation between RGB and CMYK color models. Most of the designers are working with RGB and CMYK. RGB Color Model The RGB color model is an additive color mo...
CMYK, Pantone i reszta, czyli co grafik chciał nam powiedzieć 26 Mar 2013 | 02:40 pm
CMYK, RGB, Pantone, proof, matchprint, cromalin… To terminy, którymi posługują się graficy w każdej redakcji. Warto wiedzieć, co oznaczają, by przygotowywanie naszego magazynu firmowego przebiegało sp...
Katakan dengan Warna (2) 11 Mar 2007 | 01:40 pm
Berikut ini adalah proses transformasi warna dari RGB ke CMYK dan sebaliknya. RGB To CMY Red + Blue = Magenta Blue + Green= Cyan Green + Red = Yellow CMY To RGB Magenta + Yellow = Red Yellow + Cyan ...
RGB2CMYK или как черното от RGB картинка да бъде само в Black 29 May 2012 | 07:39 am
RGB към CMYK - черното от RGB картинка да бъде отделен самостоятелен цвят - само в Black Аз не разбирам от Фотошоп (Adobe Photoshop). За тези, които още повече не разбират и от мен - Photoshop е софт...
Basics of RGB and CMYK for ink jet printing at home 5 May 2011 | 07:38 pm
In the world of home ink jet color printing, there is some confusion concerning CMYK color and RGB color. Many photo enthusiasts don't realize what kind of color space their digital cameras output an...
Using the correct colour space for CD Printing 13 Apr 2011 | 10:46 pm
If you are designing your first album cover for CD manufacturing, the chances are you will have never heard of the terms RGB and CMYK “colour spaces” when describing colour. But this can be a cause of...
Photoshop Tutorial to Split Channels into Separated Images 4 Sep 2010 | 12:12 am
Every image which we open in Photoshop is having separated channel that can be viewed through Channel Panel. It depend of the image mode, RGB will give us 3 channels while CMYK give us 4 channels. Act...
Co to jest RGB? 19 Apr 2012 | 06:07 pm
Red Green Blue Z tych kolorów uzyskuje się efekt barw na monitorze. Podczas zmiany RGB na CMYK( z niego drukują maszyny) może nastąpić delikatna zmiana kolorystyki.
Episode 106 27 May 2010 | 12:51 am
Episode 106 – The CMYK Episode by heathenx In this screencast I demonstrate how to use a couple of utilities to convert an RGB image created in Inkscape to CMYK. I used Inkscape version 0.47. There...
Color PHOTOSHOP 2 Apr 2013 | 08:00 pm
Color can be described in several ways using a color model such as RGB or CMYK. As you work in your image, you specify colors using one of the color models. In Photoshop you choose the approach to col...