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Marketiva Berubah Menjadi AGEA 1 May 2012 | 01:47 pm
Sejak tanggal 28 April 2012 Marketiva telah resmi berubah menjadi AGEA. Banyak yang bertanya-tanya mengapa Marketiva berubah menjadi AGEA. Setelah dikonfirmasi hal tersebut dilakukan untuk perubahan ...
Trading Valas / Forex Online di AGEA (Marketiva) 29 Apr 2012 | 05:30 pm
News: Mulai Tanggal 28 April 2012 Marketiva berubah menjadi AGEA, bisa dilihat di : Trading Valas / Forex Online di AGEA (Marketiva) bukan hal yang baru lagi bagi kita yang sudah lama be...
More first media related news:
Speaker: REGINA PAZ L. LOPEZ 24 Nov 2011 | 03:22 pm
Regina Paz L. Lopez is the Managing Director of one of the Philippines’ biggest non-government organizations, the ABS-CBN Foundation. She initiated Bantay Bata 163, the country’s first media-based hot...
IPA Announces Winners of First Media Owner Awards 17 Nov 2011 | 04:22 am
New Media Age, By Charlotte McEleny, 15 Sept 2011 The Register and Global Radio are among the winners of the first submission-based IPA Media Owners Awards. The awards combine results from the IPA Me...
IPA Announces Winners of the 2011 Media Owner Awards 17 Nov 2011 | 02:13 am
PR Newswire, 16 Nov 2011 Specific Media, Google/You Tube, Facebook and News International were just some of the sixteen winners announced tonight (Tuesday 15th November 2011) at the IPA’s first Media...
WimaX 4G hadir di Indonesia 26 Feb 2011 | 03:29 am
Sekarang para pengguna Internet di Indonesia bisa berbangga hati karena sesaat lagi akan hadir WimaX 4G yang di usung oleh PT. First Media, kecepatan WimaX 4G ini bisa mencapai 75 Mbps inilah kumpu...
Saudi Prince assaults on-duty Police Officer, GETS an Apology (Lebanon) 24 Oct 2011 | 01:57 am
Beirut, Lebanon This story is big in Lebanon and is being talked about on Arabic websites throughout the world. Here is the story. Al-Akhbar was the first media to reveal the story. His name has been...
Guest Post: How To Start Your First Media Buy 10 Jun 2011 | 09:21 am
This post was written by a good friend of mine and one of the best media buyers I know Max Teitelbaum. He owns WhatRunsWhere and has previously offered to write a guest post on the subject for you guy...
Guest Post: How To Start Your First Media Buy 10 Jun 2011 | 05:21 am
This post was written by a good friend of mine and one of the best media buyers I know Max Teitelbaum. He owns WhatRunsWhere and has previously offered to write a guest post on the subject for you guy...
First Media Bidik 80 Ribu Pengguna Rekam Tayang Digital 4 Jul 2012 | 03:05 pm
First Media Bidik 80 Ribu Pengguna Rekam Tayang Digital Operator TV berbayar berbasis kabel First Media menghadirkan fitur rekam tayangan bagi pelanggannya melalui Personal Video Recorder (PVR) de...
Di Butuhkan CRO’ First Media 25 Jul 2012 | 11:11 pm
“Di Butuhkan CRO’ First Media” in Jakarta: Lowongan Kerja : U/ Pria/Wanita Posisi : CRO’ First Media Pendidikan : Min. D3 Usia : 24Th s/d 30Th Menguasai : MS.Office Pengalaman Kerja : Min 1Th, (apa s...
Guest Post: How To Start Your First Media Buy 10 Jun 2011 | 05:21 am
This post was written by a good friend of mine and one of the best media buyers I know Max Teitelbaum. He owns WhatRunsWhere and has previously offered to write a guest post on the subject for you guy...