Most fish in water maoist strategy related news are at:
– Arms and influence
Congratulations, President-elect Obama 5 Nov 2008 | 02:29 pm
Now let's see what this country can really do in the world.
The political side of counterinsurgency, part I 3 Nov 2008 | 06:08 am
Kenneth Payne's recent article in Parameters, "Waging Communication War," raises one of the critical questions around counterinsurgency: How does the political action part work, exactly? Payne can't p...
More fish in water maoist strategy related news:
University of Michigan – A new renewable energy concept 19 Jul 2012 | 07:12 pm
A device called VIVACE developed at the University of Michigan draws power out of slow water currents to produce clean electricity. It imitates the swim strategy of a school of fish. Video Rating: 4 ...
Fish Can't See Water by Kai Hammerich & Richard D. Lewis - Book review 25 Aug 2013 | 12:59 pm
Fish Can't See Water How national culture can make or break your corporate strategy By: Kai Hammerich, Richard D. Lewis Published: September 3, 2013 Format: Hardcover, 312 pages ISBN-10: 1118608569...