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Fishing for Europe’s Biggest Catfish 31 May 2012 | 06:11 am
There is a new Dr. Seuss in town, and this one is not looking for a cat in a hat, but rather in the waters of Europe. Stefan Seuss is one of the continent’s most well-renown catfish anglers, and his l...
Near-collision on Video: Racing Yacht Versus Whale 31 May 2012 | 05:36 am
Wow! This would have been a disaster. Watch as the helmsman of the racing yacht Camper has to maneuver quickly to avoid hitting a whale in the Atlantic between Miami and Lisbon during the 7th leg of t...
More fishing lily lake oregon related news:
Fishing in Sunriver Oregon 6 Jun 2011 | 12:08 pm
Whether your a seasoned fly-fisherman or just learning to bait your hook, Deschutes National Forest and the Sunriver area is the home to some of the finest fishing in the world. With so many lakes,...