Most flash player nintendo 3ds related news are at:
Neue Videos zu “Monster Hunter 4″ + Infos zum Arena-Modus 27 Aug 2013 | 04:48 pm
Und wieder veröffentlichte Capcom neue Videos zu “Monster Hunter 4″. Kein Wunder, denn es wird Ende September bereits in Japan erscheinen. Eine Ankündigung für die USA und Europa steht aber noch aus. ...
“Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies” wird im Westen definitiv nur digital erscheinen 27 Aug 2013 | 08:50 am
Mit der Ankündigung von “Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies” war zuerst die Freude hoch. Als die ersten Pläne zur Veröffentlichung im Westen durchkamen, sank die Freude jedoch etwas. Das Gerichts-Adventure ...
More flash player nintendo 3ds related news:
Sonic Generations 3DS £28.95 18 Apr 2012 | 08:13 am
The specifically designed Nintendo 3DS environments, based on iconic levels from popular Sonic the Hedgehog titles, will include an exclusive unlockable ‘Special Stage’ allowing players to become even...
What to do with Nintendo 3DS? 27 Mar 2011 | 05:19 am
The day came. The new handheld console Nintendo is already on sale between the desire for traditional players and the uncertainty of a mass casual wondering what it is exactly that of the three dimens...
Nintendo 3DS Compatible R4 Flash Card 21 May 2011 | 06:14 am
I bet your kids have been begging you to upgrade to the new 3DS to take advantage of all its features. The 3DS makes use of new slider controls for volume and 3D depth adjustments, as well as enabling...
Flash Cartes de soutien pour 3DS V4.3.0-10 système 28 Aug 2012 | 11:44 am
Il ya de bonnes nouvelles pour les fans de Nintendo, la Nintendo 3DS V4.3.0-10 a été publié par la société Nintendo! La stabilité du système et d'autres ajustements ont été améliorées, par conséquent,...
Nuevos detalles sobre GateWay 3DS 4 Jun 2013 | 12:37 pm
Hace pocos días os hablamos de GateWay 3DS, el primer cartucho flash que permitirá ejecutar copias de seugridad de Nintendo 3DS. El propio fabricante ha publicado un FAQ con algunos datos clave para e...
Can Gateway 3DS Flashcart be Compatible with 3DS/3DS XL/3DS LL 6.2.0? 27 Aug 2013 | 08:12 pm
Have you heard about Gateway 3DS cart playing 3DS games? Yes, it is true! As we know, Nintendo 3DS/3DS XL/3DS LL firmware has been updated to 6.2.0. Many players have updated their 3DS. However, at pr...
Notizie e novità sulla console nintendo 3ds • Re: AW: Nuova flash card Gateway 3ds 26 Aug 2013 | 09:05 pm
salvoandroid76 ha scritto: Per utilizzare gatewway 3ds bisogna aver una micro SD da almeno 2 GB Metti il gioco dentro nella micro SD file formato .3ds I salvataggi si salvano sulla SD della 3ds costa...
Notizie e novità sulla console nintendo 3ds • Re: Nuova flash card Gateway 3ds 26 Aug 2013 | 08:37 pm
Per utilizzare gatewway 3ds bisogna aver una micro SD da almeno 2 GB Metti il gioco dentro nella micro SD file formato .3ds I salvataggi si salvano sulla SD della 3ds costa tra le 60 alle 80 € Invia...
R4 3DS Dual Core Updated For Nintendo 3DS 6.1.0 Systems 23 Jul 2013 | 12:52 pm
We've been hard at work here at and have been working to bring out a new firmware for our premier line of 3DS Flash Carts. We're proud to announce the release of our R4 3DS Dual Core 6.1.0 ...
Our top pick for R4 3DS Homebrew gaming in 2013 Part 2 3 Jul 2013 | 01:21 pm
Introductions (continuation of part 1) With the availability of just one of our many selections of R4 3DS Flash card for your Nintendo DS or Nintendo 3DS, thousands of Homebrew games and hundreds of ...