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Flex DataGrid/AdvancedDatagrid 性能优化技巧(1) — ItemRenderer 13 Jul 2011 | 05:53 am
DataGrid和AdvancedDataGrid应该是Flex企业项目中最常用的组件了,今天开始写一些优化技巧,这些技巧可以有效提高DataGrid的运行速度。 ItemRenderer优化。 ItemRenderer是我们在扩展DataGrid单元格功能时需要扩展开发最多的东西,网络上有很多ItemRenderer的例子,但是大部分来说都是从方便开发的角度来使用的ItemRenderer而...
When developing applications with the DataGrid component, you may want to use a custom font so the data grid fits with your overall design. YOu change fonts by setting a custom text format using a Tex...
DragController component 17 May 2006 | 11:40 pm
The DragController component is as flash component that can be used to drag and drop items between several flash ui components, e.g. List, DataGrid, Tree. With the DragController it is possible to se...
Assign a menu item(on right click menu list) to DataGrid control in Flex. 9 Oct 2009 | 09:57 pm
OK, First thing to do, read about flash.ui.ContextMenu Class. Some points.. ->In SWF content, any object that inherits from InteractiveObject can be given a context menu by assigning a menu object t...
Créer un fournisseur de données complexe utilisant des objets dans Flex 4 14 Mar 2011 | 01:19 am
L’exemple suivant montre comment vous pouvez créer, en MXML, un fournisseur de données complexe pour un contrôle MX DataGrid avec des objets imbriqués en utilisant la balise <fx:Object>. L’exemple su...
Spark TreeList 10 Sep 2011 | 04:36 pm
Did a little bit of vanilla Flex work recently, and I needed a Tree component to display an object hierarchy. Everyone, by now, hopefully knows that mx:DataGrid and mx:Tree are two of the crappiest, b...
Drag-and-Drop Revisited 15 Dec 2010 | 05:02 pm
It’s time to revisit drag-and-drop in Flex 4. For a long time now, my previous Drag-and-Drop in Flex 4 post has been the most popular post on this blog. I get something like 1,200 pageview/month on th...
Where is drag and drop in the Spark DataGrid? 11 Mar 2011 | 06:04 am
Before you spend any significant amount of time trying to figure out what APIs are available for enabling drag and drop on the Spark DataGrid, I thought I’d put it out there that it will not be availa...
Scrolling Flex Charts 27 Feb 2008 | 05:37 pm
If your TextArea has a lot of text, you get a scroll bar. If your datagrid has too many rows or columns, you get scroll bars. If your Image is too large, you can put it inside a container with scrollb...
Mobile ItemRenderer in ActionScript (Part 5) 19 May 2011 | 05:05 am
This is part 5 of my series on item renderers. As you may know, the Mobile Flex Framework does not have a DataGrid, mostly because a DataGrid control uses a lot of real state and the phone has a small...