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Fly Reel Review: Lamson Litespeed Hard Alox Reel 29 Dec 2010 | 10:54 am
Product Review: Litespeed Hard Alox Reel Made By: Waterworks-Lamson I was looking for the perfect reel to put onto my new 5 weight Sage ZXL rod. I knew I wanted a durable, large arbor reel. ...
Leeda Fly Reel 2 Jan 2011 | 04:48 am
The following are the results that we found for you based on Leeda Fly Reel, which were the words that you entered. If you get too few items then please broaden your keywords a little. If you see too...
Sea Fishing Reel 30 Dec 2010 | 02:27 am
i need ideas on how to store and transport my fishing tackle? i have 2x multiplier reels 2x fly reels 2x spin reels fly fishing tackle sea fishing tackle spinning tackle i need something to st...
Hardy Featherweight Fly 19 Dec 2010 | 12:52 am
Currently Available on eBay Hardy Classic Featherweight Fly Rod 7 3 RRP £29900 HRCL10 £269.99 HARDY SPARE SPOOL FOR A FEATHERWEIGHT FLY REEL HSL070N LAST ONE SPOOL NEW £89.00 7 Hardy Classi...
Fly Reel Rare 16 Dec 2010 | 12:50 pm
Currently Available on eBay vintage rare millwards flycraft salmon fly fishing reel 4 with 3 screw drum £46.00 RARE LOOP HITEC MODEL 3 FLY REEL £288.00 VERY RARE HARDY SUNBEAM 3 1 4 EARLY B...
Knots: Putting it All Together 18 Dec 2011 | 04:42 am
Backing to Reel Pull off several feet from a spool of braided dacron backing and pass the tag end through stripper guide. (a) Pass tag end of line into, around and back out the lower front of fly reel...
Sea Fishing Tackle 12 May 2012 | 02:47 am
One of the more versatile and endurance types of sea fishing tackle is the Endurance Fly Reel through Cortland. This design provides a wide range and variety of options when out in the sea and when fi...
Fly Fishing and Travel Equipment Review Series - Reels 26 Apr 2011 | 03:52 pm
Fly reels are an interesting item. There are a lot of different opinions on how important a reel is. Some would say it just holds line so anything will do. Looking back, I started with a click and paw...
BIG news from Danielsson Fly Reels! 28 Nov 2008 | 02:41 pm
New for December 2008, Danielsson Fly Reels present 3 new models that will replace the current FW, LW and HD models in their lineup. Aesthetically, the reels will borrow heavily from the design of the...
Danielsson Fly Reels Pro-Staff Program 22 Apr 2008 | 05:44 am
Danielsson Flyreels of Sweden is pleased to announce the introduction of their new "Pro-Staff" program! If you are a fly fishing guide, casting instructor, lodge owner or industry professional~we want...