Most ford focus owners club related news are at:

Bear with us!! - New forum coming!!! 27 Sep 2012 | 09:23 pm
Hi All, I expect that many of you are eager to get back on the forum and the activity of the club. Please bear with us as the old server has caused a multitude of problems with the new forum that wa...
New forum update (or saga not sure!) 26 Sep 2012 | 11:28 pm
Hi All As some of you may have seen, we did launch the new forum last night. However within 20 minutes disaster struck when we started getting "500 Internal errors" while visiting some of the large ...
More ford focus owners club related news:
Ford Uses Innovative Liquid-Cooled Battery System To Help Focus Electric Owners Maximize Range 14 Sep 2010 | 12:15 am
The all-new Ford Focus Electric, which debuts in the U.S. late next year and in Europe in 2012, will be powered by an advanced lithium-ion battery that utilizes heated and cooled liquid to help maximi...
Stop Paying Top Dollar for Mustang Parts 5 Jun 2012 | 01:07 pm
Are you a Ford Mustang owner who owns a classic from the 60s or a possibly even a late model? Then you are a member of a club of people which spans the globe and with whom all share a passion for Ford...
Beachparty 2012 – Wir waren dabei! 29 Jul 2012 | 09:02 pm
Als erstes möchte ich dem Ford Club Ostseehaie danken für diese gelungene Beachparty. Dann natürlich auch ein Dankeschön an meine Clubfreunde vom Ford Focus Club Deutschland. Es war eine sehr schöne u...
Ford Uses Innovative Liquid-Cooled Battery System To Help Focus Electric Owners Maximize Range 13 Sep 2010 | 08:15 pm
The all-new Ford Focus Electric, which debuts in the U.S. late next year and in Europe in 2012, will be powered by an advanced lithium-ion battery that utilizes heated and cooled liquid to help maximi...
Abzelten 2012 16 Sep 2012 | 10:06 pm
Hier findet ihr meine Bilder und Video’s vom Abzelten 2012. Danke an den Ford Club Berlin e.V. und auch an alle vom Ford Focus Club Deutschland e.V. für das nette Wochenende. Mein Video: Wenn keine Vi...
Fuse Box On 2008 Ford Focus 25 Feb 2013 | 10:36 am
Question: Fuse Box On 2008 Ford Focus, need to find fuse for air cond. compresser Best answer for Fuse Box On 2008 Ford Focus If you don’t have an Owner’s Manual for your car, you can download a PDF...
Ford Focus – tips for a new owner 25 Jun 2013 | 06:26 pm
My new car Yes, I’ve just bought a new car – the 2013 model of the Ford Focus Titanium X. It has a 1.0 litre Ecoboost engine which is remarkably good for it’s small, 3 cylinder capacity. A lawnmower ...
Wallpaper Wednesdays: FOCUSED on the FOCUS 6 Aug 2013 | 09:01 pm
Photo by Philip Aragones Ford Club Philippines (FCP) will be having their track day this coming August 25. As a teaser, here’s a shot of FCP’s Ken Block Themed Ford Focus that we’ve taken sometime ba...
SVT Owner’s Association Club 13 Oct 2010 | 05:37 am
1993 Ford SVT Mustang Cobra In 1991, Ford Motor Company created the Special Vehicle Team (SVT) when a group of senior managers wanted to segment a niche of passionate car enthusiasts. Their goal was ...
2013 Club Owners EXPO Details Announced 29 Mar 2013 | 08:59 pm
2013 Gentlemen’s Club Owners EXPO to Focus on MONEY