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INSPIREの実力と評価 13 Apr 2013 | 08:00 am
2012年3月1日から2013年3月31日までの1年間で+5,126ドル(1通貨ペア換算、検証中の4通貨ペアなら+20,507ドル)の利益を出しているINSPIRE(メタトレーダー用EA)の戦略、損益、検証、評価および購入に関して紹介いたします。 戦略 INSPIREは、トレンドフォロータイプのマーチンゲールEAで、テラスが行ったバックテストでは、最大13ロット(初期ロット=0.1)のポジショ...
損益表の計算方法を変更します 13 Apr 2013 | 08:00 am
2013年3月25日(月)から検証中のメタトレーダーEAの損益表の損益を以下のように変更いたします。 複数の通貨ペアで検証しているEAは、1通貨ペア当たりの損益に変換します。(合計損益 / n 例:10通貨ペアで検証なら n=10) マネーマネジメント機能(MM)で検証しているEAは、0.1ロットに変換します。(合計損益 / n 例:1ロットならn=10) 0.01ロット(マイクロロット)対...
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Forex shocker pro 6 Aug 2012 | 08:54 am!home/mainPage Expert : ex4 User Guide : forex shockerPRO Manual.pdf
Forex s bonusem 500czk (plus500) 26 Dec 2009 | 08:32 am
Firma plus500 nabízí obchodování na forexovém trhu i v českém jazyce. Začínajícím traderům (možná spíše hráčům) nabídne bonus 500czk, které jsou víceméně nepoužitelné pro jakýkoliv obchod. Bonusů fir...
The Best Forex Trading Hours 26 Oct 2010 | 06:50 pm
So you already know that with the help of Forex you can trade 24/7. But, you also know about some sessions, right? So what sessions when the trading is round the clock? If you don’t know about the dif...
Automated Forex Trading vs. Discretionary Trading 23 Oct 2010 | 07:52 pm
This tutorial is created to show the difference between automated Forex trading and manual trading. The traders often hesitate to use the automated Forex trading and choose the discretionary Forex tra...
Basics about Forex Economic Indicators 23 Oct 2010 | 07:49 pm
This tutorial is helpful for those traders who are interested to know about Forex economic indicators, as they are really helpful for understanding economic and financial data.
Basics about Forex Charts and Chart Reading 23 Oct 2010 | 07:45 pm
If the trader is going into the Forex Technical Analysis, then the word “Chart” is familiar to him. Trend is the friend, and chart is the friend to define the trend. Traders that care about the result...
The Trend is Your Friend! About Forex Trend Analysis 22 Oct 2010 | 08:11 pm
What do you know about Forex Trend Analysis? If nothing, then I would really be surprised to know that you are a successful trader. Forex trend analysis is life-needed part of Forex trading, the one t...
Forex Analysis – Fundamental Analysis 22 Oct 2010 | 06:41 pm
Opposite the Forex technical analysis part, this Forex tutorial is created to show the way the major part of Forex Analysis – Forex fundamental analysis is held like, what are the advantages and impor...
Forex Analysis – Technical Analysis 22 Oct 2010 | 06:22 pm
This one of the Forex tutorials is directed to show the way the major part of Forex Analysis – Forex technical analysis is held like, what are the advantages and importance of performing it and make a...
Forex Trading Basics Part 2 22 Oct 2010 | 06:14 pm
This tutorial is continuing of the previous part of Forex trading basics tutorial. Here is some more information about currency trading basics.