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Joe's Falafel and the Soft Pillowy Rounds of Laffa 27 Aug 2013 | 05:09 am
basically billowy laffa bread What: Joe's Falafel is not exactly a secret -- it consistently shows up as the top-rated restaurant on Yelp for some reason, though it was nearly empty when we arrived o...
The Taste is Labor Day Weekend: 4 Days of Locally-Oriented Restaurants, plus Jonathan Gold 24 Aug 2013 | 03:28 am
Thai dog and pastrami dogs from Pasadena's DogHaus While this weekend is the glitzy L.A. Food and Wine festival packed with celebrity chefs from out of town and dozens of events, next weekend's The T...
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“Dirty Hor” at Cafe de Leche! 13 Aug 2013 | 04:18 am
Horchata + Espresso = Dirty Hor! Lub Cafe de Leche in Highland Park. Is like Eswork in Eagle Rock pero more Latino. For more jumminess, follow @LaCoacha on Instagrams & Twitters!
Twin Eagles Outdoor Pizza Oven 10 Aug 2010 | 12:36 am
Rock your next pool party with some killer pizza, from your new Twin Eagles 24″ Outdoor Pizza Oven ($1,179)! This Twin Eagles Salaman Grill Pedestal Base features stainless steel construction, four h...