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Четыре льва / Four Lions (2010) 30 May 2012 | 02:12 am
Четыре льва Оригинальное название: Four Lions Страна: Франция, Великобритания Год выхода: 2010 Жанр: драма, комедия Режиссер: Кристофер Моррис В ролях: Кайван Новак, Найджел Линдсэй, Риз Ахмед, Адиль...
Four Lions 6 Feb 2011 | 08:05 am
"These are real bad times, bro," keluh Barry, salah satu calon teroris kikuk di grup Lions dalam film satire yang cukup berani, Four Lions. "Islam is cracking up. We got women talking back! We got peo...
“Facebook Showroom” da IKEA também premiado com Titanium em Cannes Lions 2010 1 Feb 2011 | 04:18 pm
O “Facebook Showroom” da IKEA foi um dos cases mais comentados do início do ano. Uma ideia criada pela agência sueca Forsman & Bodenfors e que se tornou um grande exemplo de uso relevante de mídia soc...
Four Lions 5 Jun 2011 | 09:14 pm
Titolo originale: Four Lions Nazione: Regno Unito Anno: 2010 Genere: Commedia Durata: 94' Regia: Christopher Morris Sito ufficiale: Sito italiano:
Les résultats de Fatal Four Way 2010 15 Jul 2010 | 12:57 am
Les résultats de Fatal Four Way 2010 : Sheamus devient le nouveau champion de la WWE en battant John Cena, Edge & Randy Orton grace à une intervention de Nexus. Rey Mysterio remporte le titre de Wor...
Four Lions Q&A – New York City – 5th November 2010 29 Jul 2011 | 04:49 am
Chris Morris Q&A from New York City. Really great crowd, asking excellent questions. Lovely details about the untranslated Urdu jokes in Four Lions, too. Many thanks to Jaybizz (@JuliaBrown) for th...
Four Lions Satellite Q&A – Picturehouse Cinemas – 22nd May 2010. Chris Morris, Jesse Armstrong and cast interviewed by Charlie Brooker 29 Jul 2011 | 12:56 am
Recorded by @bengubbins, many thanks to him for the rip. I EQ’d the audio to tidy it up a bit. Thanks to Paaaaul for the poster. Chris Morris intro. Chris Morris & Charlie Brooker – Main Q&A.
Chris Morris on Opie and Anthony – 4th November 2010 28 Jul 2011 | 10:50 am
Chris Morris promoting Four Lions on, bizarrely, Opie and Anthony, in November of last year. If you don’t know Opie and Anthony, you’re not missing out. They model their show on the early part of Ho...
Nit Picket Podcast #103, Paul/Battle: Los Angeles/Four Lions/Gates of Heaven 3 Sep 2011 | 08:56 am
Cannes Lions 2010 Film, Titanium, Integrated & Craft Gala 1 Aug 2012 | 11:00 pm
Toda la gala con lo mejor de la publicidad mundial del 2010. Como si estuvieras aqui. Aprovecha.Video Rating: 5 / 5