Most foursquare check in automatico related news are at:

Remo Brindisi troppo avanti nei tempi soprattutto per Comacchio 24 Aug 2013 | 07:11 pm
Remo Brindisi era negli anni settanta uno dei principali artisti italiani e non solo. Nel settanta si trasferì a Lido di Spina dove fece costruire la sua incredibile casa-museo. Oggi scopro che nel 19...
Costantini e Occhi: trionfo al X trofeo Bagno Medusa di bocce a coppie 24 Aug 2013 | 01:05 pm
Walter Costantini e Michele Occhi si impongono al Decimo trofeo Bagno Medusa di bocce a coppie svoltosi al Bagno Medusa del Lido degli Scacchi (FE). In finale i neocampioni riescono a recuperare un’in...
More foursquare check in automatico related news:
Foursquare Check-in’leri Facebook Haritalarına Geliyor 16 May 2012 | 06:48 pm
Favori mekanlarınıza Foursquare üzerinden check-in yapıyor ve bu iletileri Facebook’tan paylaşıyorsanız işte size yeni bir haber. Foursquare’den yapılan açıklamaya göre check-in’ler artık Facebook Tim...
Create a heatmap from your Foursquare check-ins 21 May 2012 | 01:43 am
I’m using Foursquare more and more these days. It’s great for tracking where you’ve been through the week (or month/whatever), competing with other Foursquare users for mayorships and leader board pla...
Foursquare: Check-in to a Radiohead Concert, Not Just the Garden 13 Jul 2011 | 06:25 pm
Foursquare: Check-in to a Radiohead Concert, Not Just the Garden Check-ins on Foursquare answer one central question: Where are you right now? But they provide little explanation of what you’re doing ...
A Promotion Worth Repeating 24 Jul 2012 | 08:06 pm
Just finished up with an interesting promotion for a client using Foursquare check-ins and a baseball ticket giveaway. Here is the concept, goal and results. Background: Basically, the client contin...
A Promotion Worth Repeating 24 Jul 2012 | 08:06 pm
Just finished up with an interesting promotion for a client using Foursquare check-ins and a baseball ticket giveaway. Here is the concept, goal and results. Background: Basically, the client contin...
Foursquare checks in to Windows 8 to launch its terribly initial native Tablet App 1 Jul 2013 | 05:46 am
As Foursquare appearance for tactics to crank up the money machine, the corporate behind the favored social place saving and sharing service is increasing its presence across a lot of platforms. At Mi...
General Discussions | Foursquare check-ins tell stores where to set up shop 18 Aug 2013 | 08:45 pm
SOCIAL media doesn't just tell your friends what you're up to. Location data can also be mined to provide a fast, inexpensive way to find the best spots to place new stores. Many factors come into pl...
Steve Wozniak’s Top 10 favourite Restaurants According To His Foursquare Check-Ins | Business Insider Australia 26 Jun 2013 | 11:33 pm Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak loves to use Foursquare. He’s logged more than 4,600 check-ins, documenting everything from hi...
Chiropractic Marketing With Foursquare Check-Ins 8 May 2013 | 09:09 pm
Marketing by way of social media, is easy for some but downright difficult and time consuming for others. Although it is relatively inexpensive, except for the time spent setting up pages and accounts...
Linkscheucher 31 26 Aug 2013 | 06:15 pm
Ein paar Artikel die ich letzte Woche fand und hier einfach mal weitergebe. Foursquare check-ins tell stores where to set up shop SOCIAL media doesn’t just tell your friends what you’re up to. Locat...