Most foursquare mayor tshirt related news are at:

Green Thumb T-Shirt 26 Sep 2011 | 12:09 pm
Green Thumb T-Shirt. Green thumbs are everywhere now! I can’t keep a Chia Pet alive, much less grown anything. I’m gonna plant something this spring and cultivate it through the season… Don’t know wh...
Germany Soccer T-Shirt 26 Sep 2011 | 11:56 am
Germany Soccer T-Shirt. I say next time the US plays Germany in soccer, and we have a free kick, we take a cue from Reagan and tell them to “Tear down that wall.” My guess is they will just stand ther...
More foursquare mayor tshirt related news:
Meet the mayor. 29 Apr 2010 | 07:15 am
Zagat begins a new series, interviewing Foursquare mayors about the venues they frequent. For those unfamiliar with Foursquare, it’s a social media platform where, using GPS information from smartpho...
Is Foursquare Making You Anti-Social? 30 Jun 2010 | 01:43 pm
For a little while, I sat back and watched many a tweet and Facebook post stream by saying things like "I'm at Bob's BBQ" or "I just became mayor of Mattress Emporium" as people jubilantly posted thei...
City Spotlight: Kennesaw, GA 16 Apr 2012 | 01:04 pm
As Foursquare Day rapidly approaches, the city spotlight focuses on the town of Kennesaw, Georgia. This will be Kennesaw’s first full event but second year having Mayor Mark Mathews proclaim April 16t...
City Spotlight: Portland, OR 14 Apr 2012 | 10:59 am
Portland loves Foursquare! So much in fact that Mayor Sam Adams has announced that he will declare 4/16 “Foursquare Day” in the City of Portland. Local businesses are coming on board to offer special...
InCashTweet: I just became the mayor of InCash Ügyviteli Szoftverek on @foursquare! 4 Apr 2012 | 10:40 pm
InCashTweet: I just became the mayor of InCash Ügyviteli Szoftverek on @foursquare!
InCashTweet: I just became the mayor of Méhes Utca on @foursquare! 15 Mar 2012 | 05:34 am
InCashTweet: I just became the mayor of Méhes Utca on @foursquare! erblickt die Welt! 5 Dec 2010 | 02:07 am
Es ist soweit, erblickt das Licht der Welt. Hier gibt es in kürze viele nützliche Tipps und Informationen rund um Foursqare, Foursquare Marketing und den besten Weg als Mayor Top Loc...
Cara mendapatkan Badges Gropies di Foursquare 3 Nov 2010 | 12:32 am
Mau dapat badges seperti gambar disamping?? caranya mudah kuq.. kalau mau liat aja langkah" dibawah ini.. Buka Halaman Klik link ini Pilih Lencana : 1. JetSetter (Gambar Pesawat) 2. Super Mayor (Gamb...
4th & Mayor–1 Year Later 21 Mar 2012 | 06:31 am
One year ago today, 4th & Mayor went public and became a popular, fun and simple Foursquare app for Windows Phone. I’m glad to have launched it, have learned a lot along the way, and am excited that p...
I just ousted @hopdog84 as the… 10 Jan 2012 | 10:24 am
I just ousted @hopdog84 as the mayor of McDonald’s on @foursquare! Related PostsMay 25, 2012 -- ManageFlitter rocks. Find all … (0)January 7, 2012 -- I just ousted Nick D. as the ...