Most fractal axe fx related news are at:

D16 Group annonce Sigmund 24 Aug 2013 | 06:58 pm
Un nouveau né va très bientôt voir le jour chez D16 Group, Il s’agît de Sigmund. Sigmund est un Delay constitué de quatre lignes discrètes dont chacune ayant son propre ensemble de paramètres. Chaqu...
Touchable 2 : premier teaser 22 Aug 2013 | 06:14 pm
Voici une présentation de Touchable 2 qui devrait sortir prochainement. Cette version a été complètement revue et sera compatible Live 8 et Live 9. Les nouveautés : - Nouveau moteur plus rapide - ...
More fractal axe fx related news:
GG’s Axe-FX Settings 24 Jul 2012 | 04:49 pm
For the many thousands of you that have watched or purchased Guthrie Govan’s ‘The Late Night Sessions 2′ series then you will most probably have noticed that he is using the incredible Fractal Audio S...
Fractal Audio Systems Axe-FX II 5 Jul 2013 | 04:30 pm
Axe-FX II is a preamp/effects processor includes a collection of both vintage and modern guitar amps, speaker cabs, guitar stompbox and studio effects. It’s truly a beautiful system that Fractal Audi...
Ayuda!! blackstar s1-104 el34 ó Fractal axe II 27 Aug 2013 | 07:30 am
Amigos tengo un problema del cual me tiene chato dandole vueltas hace dias y no me puedo decidir...ojala me puedan ayudar: Lo que pasa que en una busqueda por querer sonar mas "pesado" me compre una ...
Gaming PC Build - AMD FX-8350 / GTX 780 / Fractal Design R4 8 Aug 2013 | 07:43 pm
When Ryan joined PCPartPicker, one of the first things I wanted him to do was put together a build for the site. With an AMD build being long overdue, I tasked him with creating a part list utilizing ...
Gaming PC Build - AMD FX-8350 / GTX 780 / Fractal Design R4 8 Aug 2013 | 07:43 pm
When Ryan joined PCPartPicker, one of the first things I wanted him to do was put together a build for the site. With an AMD build being long overdue, I tasked him with creating a part list utilizing ...