Most fragmente related news are at:

Wasser ist ein Menschenrecht 11 Feb 2013 | 09:19 am
Unter diesem Motto findet derzeit die erste Europäische Bürgerinitiative statt. Sie richtet sich gegen die Bestrebungen der EU-Kommission, die Wasser-Versorgungsbetriebe den europäischen Binnenmarktre...
Aphorismus #1025 8 Feb 2013 | 01:15 pm
Es hat sich in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik gezeigt, daß der Geheimdienst* letztlich den Nazis nützt. Kerstin Köditz, Sprecherin für antifaschistische Politik der Linksfraktion im sächsischen La...
More fragmente related news:
Pierwszy fragment książki Battlefield 3: Rosjanin 6 Apr 2012 | 09:21 pm
Dima Majakowski, bohater powieści Andy’ego McNaba pt. Battlefield 3: Rosjanin to były żołnierz Specnazu. Kiedyś był żywą legendą tej formacji, dziś nie wierzy już w sens walki w imię dobra i pomyślnoś...
How Safe Is Your Food? 2 Oct 2011 | 04:05 pm
Foodborne illness strikes millions of American each year, in part due to a U.S. food safety system that is dangerously fragmented, underfunded and overwhelmed, a News21 investigation shows.
MediaWiki version 1.14.0 release 24 Feb 2009 | 05:05 am
Finally MediaWiki releases version 1.14.0, its 2009 Q1 branch. This release has increased the number of interface text fragments to 311,000 which include 298 languages which quintuples version 1.13.0....
CROSS MEDIA ATTRIBUTION 25 May 2012 | 01:46 am
Building bridges across Paid, Owned and Earned Media to optimize media mix efficiencies and effectiveness Increased fragmentation of the media space and constant innovation in the digital media space...
jeritan hati 22 Feb 2010 | 05:00 pm
*f *deviantArt Fragment records ‘outpouring of the heart. I do not want to be late again reveal the contents of my heart. I want you to know, that until this moment I am not able to forget you. I real...
Android Version and Device Stats for LQ Native App – Is Fragmentation an Issue? 15 Feb 2012 | 08:58 am
Now that the native LQ android app has a few thousand installs (and since members really seem to enjoy LQ-related statistics posts), I’ve decided to post the platform version and device statistics for...
Recomandare-Women who run with the wolves 30 Apr 2012 | 04:05 am
Women who run with the wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estes Despre mitul femeii arhaice. E asa...revelatoare. Cititi-o! Fragmente: "So, I say to you with affection, imagistically - be you a Black Wolf, a ...
MM – fragment din epilog 30 Aug 2011 | 08:05 am
Aici se dezlănţuie norii. Ca atunci când o aşteptam afară. Era prea aglomerat înăuntru. De fapt, lăcrimam. Se-ntâmplă, când mi-e foarte foame. Am bunghit-o pe aia, Porumbel şi nu mai ştiu cum, E...
MM – Ciocănitoarea (fragment din partea a III-a) 27 Aug 2011 | 10:49 pm
Ciocănitoarea Parc-o văd cum intra în clasă: „Aveţi grijă, că la intrare e gheţuş, să nu mai cadă vreun prost cum am păţit eu mai devreme!”. Pupăză Amalia Liliana. Pe scurt, Ciocănitoarea. Domniş...
MM – Albu (fragment din partea a III-a) 24 Aug 2011 | 06:19 am
Albu Îi ziceam Albu pentru că, deşi doar într-a doua, albise complet. De la pititea-ntr-o seară prin cimitirul Dumbrava cu nişte păcălici de pe lângă Muzeu. Au găsit un cavou fără lacăt şi s-a băg...