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More free meetup groups related news:
TravelMassive - great meetup group for travel industry people 23 May 2012 | 12:20 pm
If you are interested in regular meet ups with travel people - then I recommend you check out TravelMassive. This is a group that organises informal networking sessions across the world to talk trave...
Home Page 11 Feb 2009 | 02:38 pm
Philadelphia Sports Network provides recreational adult sports leagues in Center City, Philadelphia. Individual free agents, groups of friends or full teams are welcome to register for any PSN league...
Any good venues in Los Angeles? 22 Feb 2012 | 11:45 am
I started playing with a free/avant group and I was trying to find other artists to play with. It seems as if there is nothing that I know of in LA. Anyone else out there?
Small Business …… do I really need a Twitter account revisited 7 Dec 2010 | 03:02 pm
I was just at a Third Tuesday Meetup Group on Social Media. The guest speaker was Michelle Kostya on RIM’s approach to social media. The talk was fascinating on how RIM is using social media platforms...
The Meetup Group 28 May 2010 | 10:27 am
It would be nice to arrange meetups from time to time. In this group post a thread if you are visiting a town/city where other group members may be to see if a meetup can be arranged. Post a thread if...
Już niedługo domeny .free? 17 Aug 2010 | 09:55 am
DotFree Group zamierza zgłosić wniosek o udostępnienie tej właśnie firmie możliwości rejestracji domen w rozszerzeniu .free. Firma wierzy, że ICANN zaakceptuje wniosek i przyzna DotFree Group możliwoś...
Welcome 6 Dec 2011 | 10:13 am
Welcome to the Health 2.0 NYC blog You have probably seen the very popular meetup group pages but this is the permanent online home for the group, a place just to talk about ideas. A little history:...
Shareholders’ Meetings: How held, Why, When, Whom, What formalities? 10 Apr 2010 | 02:23 am
Hi again Thanks to your support, we successfully held our 3rd SCCC MeetUp Group on 9 April 2010, whereby I shared with SCCC members about AGM, EGM, notice, quorum, proxy, voting, minuting and all the...
Do You Know the Pitfalls & Issues re GST, Tax and Accounting 15 Mar 2010 | 12:22 am
Dear friends Our SCCC MeetUp Group met on 12 March 2010 and learnt alot from CPA Mr Sean Lim about the pitfalls and checks & balances needed to stay compliant with IRAS (the tax man). Far too many p...
Selecting your Business Entity – talk by SCCC MeetUp 17 Jan 2010 | 05:34 pm
Hello again I informed you last week about the Singapore Corporate Compliance Club (SCCC) MeetUp group which I started. For our first MeetUp, it is scheduled for January 26, 2010 and will cover “Get...