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Zojirushi BB-PAC20 Home Bakery Virtuoso Breadmaker Review 24 May 2012 | 04:02 am
The Zojirushi BB-PAC20 Home Bakery Virtuoso Breadmaker has a number of menu settings that include basic bread, wheat bread, gluten-free bread, sourdough starter, dough, jam, cake, quick bread and also...
Sourdough Starter 15 Mar 2010 | 04:21 am
My friend Julie gave me some sourdough starter* which she got from a popular bakery which I can't remember the name of. I am extremely grateful to receive this gift. I made a boule, my favorite kind o...
Selma 26 Feb 2011 | 08:25 pm
This is Selma: Selma is the name that Michal gave to my new kick-a$$ sourdough starter... think Selma Hayak! First, I made her a cute outfit for her jar! I felt it was important for my starter to b...
The Return of Sour Dough – Night One 18 Nov 2011 | 10:48 am
Day One - sponge, starter feeding and grains For those of you lucky dogs and ducks that inherited a piece of my multi-million dollar sourdough starter, here is the first blog post in the series discu...
Sourdough Crumpets 26 Apr 2010 | 10:52 pm
For the past few months I've been quite successful in keeping my sourdough starter alive and thriving. I use it often so I don't refrigerate it - I leave it on the counter and feed it everyday. I don'...
American Blue Tip Scam, What You Should Know About Free Starter Kits 30 Sep 2010 | 11:24 pm
You may have noticed that there are numerous electronic cigarette companies offering free cigarette starter kits. But why should these companies give anything away for free without making any profits?...
Sourdough Bread Tips 13 May 2012 | 08:20 am
Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't call this blog the "Sourdough Blog" since a huge majority of my posts seem to have sourdough in them! That is my life right now though, my sourdough starter is alway...
Comment to win a copy of The Art of Gluten-Free Sourdough Baking: Winner for December 24, 2010 25 Dec 2010 | 02:00 am
This week's (week 4 out of 4) Comment to win a copy of The Art of Gluten-Free Sourdough Baking winner is Betsy who writes Gluten Free Betsy. Betsy's blog was randomly selected from the pool of eligibl...
Ode to a Failed Starter 9 Aug 2012 | 10:01 am
O! Sourdough Starter, So flat, so sluggish. I fed you well, With flour and water, And love. All for naught. At first you smelled yeasty, A bouquet of bready promise, Until your scent blossomed Into so...
WordPress Theme Team Releases Free Underscores Starter Theme 22 Aug 2012 | 08:36 am
In February the folks at ThemeShaper, the home of the Automattic Theme Team, released Underscores, or _s for short. Anyone can download the _s theme at github, but in order to fork it, you previously ...