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AppleDouble und andere Mac spezifischen Dateien auf einer Samba Freigabe ausblenden 5 Mar 2011 | 10:58 am
Mein kleines Heimnetzwerk besteht hauptsächlich aus Windows Clients, meinem MacBook und einem FreeBSD Server. Serverseitig gebe ich meine Daten via Netatalk (Mac) und Samba (Windows) frei. Nun hat Mac...
Prevent SSH Brute Force Attack with Denyhosts on FreeBSD 6 Mar 2011 | 03:25 am
Sometime our machine get error about error login from log message on SSHD services. Maybe, our machine has been attached by someone with brute force SSH method. We can use firewall to prevent SSH brut...
Firewall PF – Package Filter 18 Feb 2012 | 04:21 am
Colaboração: Ali Faiez Taha Data de Publicação: 17 de fevereiro de 2012 Nativo no Sistema Operacional OpenBSD e já portado para outros baseados em BSD, tais como FreeBSD, PCBSB, NetBSD e etc. Permi...
How To: Install IPFW Firewall FreeBSD 6 Feb 2010 | 06:22 pm
Starting with the 4.x series FreeBSD included a built-in firewall called ipfw. ipfw is packet filtering firewall and in this how to I will show you how to install ipfw on your server. Here are the bas...
freeX 6'2011 mit Mandriva 2011 (i586), GhostBSD 2.0 Live (amd64), Dragonfly BSD 2.10.1 (i386, amd64), FreeBSD 9.0BETA1 (i386), Java für Linux und Free... 7 Oct 2011 | 12:00 pm
freeX: Netzwerk, Virtualisierung, Sicherheit. Ab 5. Oktober am Kiosk. Weitere Themen: Der System-Daemon unter Linux Firewalls: neue Abwehrtechniken, IPFilter mit Adreßtabellen steuern
OpenBSD and Samba mounts 1 Oct 2012 | 03:18 am
I wanted to mount some files from a remote Linux box on my OpenBSD firewall. I would have loved to have used sshfs as it would have made everything quick and painless, but from all my searching there ...
pkgconfig-0.8.7_1 conflicts with installed pakage pkg-config-0.25_1 2 Oct 2012 | 03:10 pm
Сегодня решил установке samba на FreeBSD но в результате установки вылетали ошибки "pkgconfig-0.8.7_1 conflicts with installed pakage pkg-config-0.25_1" пробывал делать все по рекомендациям установщ...
OpenBSD and Samba mounts 1 Oct 2012 | 03:18 am
I wanted to mount some files from a remote Linux box on my OpenBSD firewall. I would have loved to have used sshfs as it would have made everything quick and painless, but from all my searching there ...
openSUSE Dolphin brower gives error “Unable to find any workgroups in your local network. This might be cause by an enabled firewall.” 20 Jul 2013 | 11:39 am
To solve this: Open up YaST > Network Services > Samba Server. Go to the “Identity” tab, and make sure the Workgroup is set correctly, and set Domain Controller to “Not a DC.” Related posts: Erro.....