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Fine del ricorso! 18 Jun 2009 | 03:17 am
Ho vinto il ricorso presso il giudice di pace relativo alla multa di cui ho parlato in questo post. I motivi per cui il ricorso mi è stato accolto non mi sono particolarmente piaciuti. Sto lavorando ...
La multa col photored – seconda parte 4 Jun 2008 | 09:17 am
Dopo aver pubblicato 10 giorni fa un post dove parlavo di come l’amministrazione bolognese intende far cassa con questi strumenti sono andato avanti con le mie piccole indagini. Perché parlo della mia...
More freebsd vs linux related news:
Windows 7 vs. Linux 1 Jun 2009 | 12:30 pm
Both have been making tremendous strides, trying to position themselves to gain serious market share. How are they fairing? What are their features? What advances are they making? And how do they comp...
Windows vs Linux - Games 20 Mar 2012 | 02:27 am
No primeiro artigo da série Windows vs Linux, veja comparações da performance em games, e veja o resultado! Introdução Como a maioria ja deve saber, existe poucos jogos com gráficos atuais (Geração ...
Windows Hosting VS Linux Hosting 22 Apr 2012 | 11:29 pm
The choice you have when purchasing a shared hosting package is whether to opt for Linux or Windows technology. Both formats will work on any PC and are capable of powering impressive webs...
Windows vs Linux For Web Hosting 7 May 2011 | 08:12 am
When it comes to web servers, you can generally pick from two operating systems: Windows and Linux. Years ago, choosing one over the other would give you a vastly different feature set. Not any more. ...
Web site Hosting, Windows Server vs Linux Which is Better? 23 Dec 2010 | 07:11 pm
Question Should a website hosting really be running Windows server or do respectable Hosting companies run Linux? Answer Nearly all website is hosted by Microsoft on Windows servers, but they can b...
Бан линуксоидов. 6 Jul 2012 | 09:40 am
Компания Blizzard и ее система защиты от читерства Warden жестоко заблокировали учетные записи игроков, которые запускали Diablo 3 на FreeBSD и Linux с применением ПО типа CrossOver, Cadega либо Wine....
Regarding CHDMAN in 0.146u2 2 Jul 2012 | 10:05 pm
Due to a series of bugs, CHDs created with CHDMAN versions prior to the one in 0.146u2 could differ between different OSs (XP vs Vista vs Win7 vs Linux vs Mac OS X), different service pack patchlevels...
Ubuntu vs Linux Mint 10 Sep 2012 | 08:36 pm
Ubuntu or Linux Mint. This is the question most people ask me when they set mind to install first Linux distribution in their machine. When you plan to use Linux, you are surrounded by the choice. Th...
The Open Tsunami 4 Nov 2012 | 04:11 am
I had a G3 iBook (PowerPC 750FX, mid 2002), and buying it stretched my finances to say the least. During my university years I became an open source zealot, using FreeBSD and Linux on my computers and...
Storage OS vs. Linux. Which is better? 23 Jan 2013 | 11:08 pm
There’s a question which we’re often asked here at Syneto: Isn’t Storage OS with the ZFS filesystem comparable to a Linux powered storage system with Logical Volume Manager, RAID protection and the Ex...