Most freelancer ship mod related news are at:

Development Demo 2012 22 Jul 2012 | 04:36 pm
In honor of the 2 year anniversary of the game's development cycle, I present a new version of what's being done in the game.
More freelancer ship mod related news:
New stamps from Poland… 26 Aug 2013 | 10:29 am
Date of Issue : 16 August 2013 Here are new Priority and economic stamps from Polish Post, featuring insects for registered mail.Other sets feature modern Polish weapons and ships. Mod...
starting the shipping back! 8 Jul 2011 | 01:44 am
hi girls! que made up and clear up the que :) miss zara RD595363219MY miss azila RD595235824MY miss farhana RD676237900MY miss suraya RD676237887MY miss farah RD595235855MY xoxo! :D status mod...
A Wacky Mod 11 May 2012 | 08:08 pm
Wood = Fire? The Wacky Wood Wares mod for Kerbal Space Program is a fully functioning ship that doesn’t take itself too seriously. This KSP mod includes:- Custom decoupler Landing Foot Oven Engin...
Morgan AC20 Deluxe 23 Feb 2008 | 08:26 am
see all Morgan amps Morgan AC20 Deluxe - $1699-$2099 TWO HEADS IN STOCK NOW - READY TO SHIP !! Here are all of the mods Morgan has ever been asked to do on his AC20 amp in one package. The AC...
Axis 0.8.5 Released! 27 Oct 2011 | 06:42 pm
Finally! We are excited to announce the new Axis 0.8.5 The main feature of this release is much better support for third-party modules. We added a support for shipping and payment modules. Custom mod...
SFC1 Mixed Model Pack (1.0) [Starfleet Command III Mods] 31 Dec 2009 | 01:11 am
This model pack is a mixed collection of ships based on various designs, including KA, Canon-TMP, Orion Pirates, and kitbashes using stock SFC ships. Basically the specs is unchanged except the Hydran...
Defiant Class Battle Group (1) [Starfleet Command III Ships] 30 Dec 2009 | 10:23 am
Cannon Defiant plus two variants: Diablo and Diablo Mark II (NEW) along with library description as used in Conquest Mod V 2.0. Mod is not required for use with this download. All models include cloak...
SFC3 Pirate Replacement Mod (1.0) [Starfleet Command III Ships] 21 Jul 2009 | 05:11 am
This mod will replace the oversized and bland stock Pirate frigate and cruiser with the Orion Pirate X-Ships from SFC:OP which were ported by Darkdrone several years ago. This does not include any sp...
The Dwarf Holds (0.5) [Battle for Middle Earth Mods] 18 Feb 2010 | 10:15 am
The Dwarf Holds (TDH) is a mod for Electronic Arts The Battle for Middle-Earth real-time strategy game. The game originally shipped with four factions â Gondor, Rohan, Mordor and Isengard. This mod...
cjFedvsEmpMod (Final) [Operation Flashpoint Addons] 31 Dec 2009 | 08:01 pm
CjFedvsEmpMod - Federation vs. Empire Mod Features all the necessary ships and personnel in one download for a variety of battles or war between the Klingon Empire and Federation for Operation Flas...