Most freemason related news are at:

God, the Blazing Star 3 Apr 2013 | 12:10 pm
An examination of the origin of the letter G and the Blazing Star in Masonic ritual and its significance then and to the Freemason today. A paper by Bro. Prof. Dr. U. Gauthamadas, Grand Lodge of India...
1813 Revival by Sussex of Restoration Chapter No 1, 1769 2 Apr 2013 | 07:15 pm
History of the Royal Arch in England: although a Lodge name is given in addition to that of the Chapter, the 'Lodge of Restauration' never existed. The 'Restauration Chapter' was so named in 1795, whe...
More freemason related news:
Discovery Channel: Secret History of the Freemasons 16 Oct 2011 | 01:45 am
Discovery Channel: Secret History of the Freemasons READ: Yahudi, Freemason, Islam and The Malaysian Politics READ: THE ANSWER TO CANCER
Welcome to Freemasons New Zealand 22 May 2008 | 04:03 am
Freemasonry celebrates over 166 years of fraternity and charitable works in New Zealand.{loadposition user100} On this web site you can learn about Freemasonry in New Zealand, locate a Lodge in your ...
A 'Sign'tific Rebellion 30 Oct 2011 | 12:30 am
Like the Carbonari and Freemasons, the 'Signtists' were a group of people who claimed to have been running a Secret Society With the AIM of FAME and NAME :P But as you have seen (or rather NOT seen), ...
Who is Baphomet? 5 Jul 2011 | 03:21 am
Baphomet is an enigmatic, goat-headed figure found in several instance in the history of occultism. From the Knights Templar of the Middle-Ages and the Freemasons of the 19th century to modern current...
Kelly Rowland - Work Freemasons remix 10 Apr 2008 | 07:44 pm
Agenda Freemason : Awas!!! 29 Sep 2011 | 04:15 pm
Lihatla dengan teliti paparan video ini. Sesungguhnya Syaitan dan pengikut-pengikutnya sentiasa memujuk manusia untuk masuk ke neraka jahanam sebagai peneman mereka. Itulah janji Iblis Laknatullah kep...
Strategi kaum pagan untuk menguasai dunia - Bagian 3 31 Jan 2010 | 03:18 am
Illuminati modern lahir di Bavaria pada tahun 1773, tiga tahun sebelum para tokoh Mason menandatangani piagam kemerdekaan Amerika Serikat. Sebelum Illuminati ‘lahir’, gerakan paganis bernama Freemason...
INI BEBAL 30 May 2011 | 01:56 pm
Semua manusia di muka bumi dah tahu yang Barca menang CL season ni. Kalahkan team Freemason England. Sampai teketaq2 tangan Ferguson the red face (and hands too) menahan amarah kerana ke-incompetence ...
Utopia project set to get going as businesses, Freemasons move out 22 Jul 2011 | 03:18 pm
Last week, we snapped the photo below of employees from local Tex-Mex restaurant El Paraiso packing up their belongings for greener pastures. (In this case, their sister restaurant, El Paraiso II in A...
Illuminati Dalam Dunia Hiburan Antarabangsa 7 Oct 2010 | 07:03 am
Sekarang ini dunia hiburan antarabangsa telah dicemarkan dengan unsur-unsur Freemason atau Illuminati. Kebanyakan bintang-bintang pop terkemuka dunia telah digunakan untuk mengawal minda kita dan menc...