Most friday film italia related news are at:

Nei cinema dal 29 agosto 2013 27 Aug 2013 | 06:13 pm
Questa settimana i pregiudizi arrivano in anticipo perché sì. Una canzone per Marion è una commedia britannica in cui sono compresi i seguenti elementi: persone anziane; persone che stanno per morire...
Nei cinema dal 22 agosto 2013 22 Aug 2013 | 01:17 pm
Che poi è quasi tutto fuori dal 21 ma a noi che ce frega. L’Evocazione – The Conjuring è un horror diretto da James Wan, quello del primo Saw e di Insidious, ambientato negli Anni 70 e ispirato alla ...
More friday film italia related news:
First Friday Film Club (Islington) 13 Jul 2011 | 09:45 pm
Organised by Reel Islington, Rowan Arts and the Holloway Neighbourhood group, this event will take place on the first Friday evening of every month, and is open to all. Doors open at 7pm and the scre...
Frugal Fun Friday: Film Love 5 Apr 2013 | 07:30 pm
What's movie really changed everything for you as a child? #TDFbigScreen The post Frugal Fun Friday: Film Love appeared first on The Deal Fanatic {TDF}.
Friday Film Festival Schedule 27 Apr 2013 | 10:00 pm
The 2013 Friday Night Family Film Night schedule has been released! Come and join us Friday, June 14th at the Rocky Mountain Super Conference for a night of family-friendly films. Click to view the sc...
Friday Film Club 24 May 2013 | 05:00 am
Fridays are always a good day in the studio and once a month we've been taking the opportunity to kick back, make our own popcorn and watch all of those films that we've recommended to each other but ...
Friday Film Pick: Blockadia Rising: Voices of the Tar Sands Blockade 8 Jun 2013 | 01:27 am
Direct action activists in Texas try to stop the Alberta tar sands pipeline.
Friday Film Pick: Blockadia Rising: Voices of the Tar Sands Blockade 8 Jun 2013 | 01:27 am
Direct action activists in Texas try to stop the Alberta tar sands pipeline.
Friday Film Pick: Things are Different Now 15 Jun 2013 | 12:04 am
Ryan Conrad pulled his short film about history, memory and queer/AIDS activism after the San Fran LGBT Fest took money from the Israeli Consulate.
Genetic Roulette {Friday Film Fest} 12 Jul 2013 | 05:06 pm
Have you heard the term GMO? Most people have, but may not know exactly what they are. The film Genetic Roulette, explains not only what a GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) is, but also gives s...
Friday Film:: Laban Rubble Green Roof 2 Aug 2013 | 07:00 pm
In this edition of Friday Film, British green roof expert Dusty Gedge takes us on a tour of this 12 year old green roof designed to replicate the brownfield sites of London. The roof is awash in color...
Spiders? Really? We had to go there... 8 Aug 2013 | 01:17 pm
Steve ( the Davis Graveyard Filmfest Director - he as an official directors chair to prove it) made this as part of the intermission video on our last Friday film fest. I still like him anyway :D