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Use Social Sites To Expand Your Circles Of Friends! 10 Apr 2012 | 04:24 am
Do You Need To Connect With Friends More? When I was a child and young adult, I made most of my own friends at school and work. When I was the parent of my own children, most of my friends tended to ...
When my friends from school go m.i.a for the summer 25 May 2012 | 03:10 pm
at first i’m like. but then i’m just like
christ lives forever!!!! 27 Nov 2008 | 04:13 am
christ is great!! but not to my ex-friends. at school i am the only on that prays before tests, before eating, and just before or during or after anything i do!! they think i am a loser or a geek bec
NEW COLOR! EXCLUSIVE FIND BY PCPC! 10 Apr 2012 | 08:13 am
One of the things I do on Club Penguin is search random names on the buddy finder. I typed in New Color and look: A color that's not even out! But I admit,my friend from school showed me this one: T...
Weight Loss Q&A: What is The Quickest Way To Lose Weight In A Week? 4 Nov 2010 | 11:04 pm
The Quickest Way To Lose Weight In A Week? Hi I am Jessica from Lockwood, Montana. Next week I will go to the marriage of my closest friend from school. As a bridesmaid I have to put myself in the dre...
GT: Meet the Jongre! (Friends from School) 13 May 2010 | 10:20 am
Friends are the person we like to be with, we trust, allies, comrade. The person who supports and sympathizes you in times of problems. But for us, our own definition of friend is simply JONGRE. Jong...
Yes, Valeria, There is a Santa Clause 18 Dec 2008 | 06:20 am
L's friend at school told her that Santa isn't real- and for over a week or so, she's been asking me whether it's true. I've been telling her that she has to "believe to receive" and all other ways to...
L's First Soccer Game 16 Sep 2007 | 07:44 am
Well today was L's first soccer game. He got a sticker for best defense. I could have disputed that but I was proud of him all the same. The biggest problem is that his little "girl"friend from school...
Celebrating Chinese New Year at School! 29 Jan 2012 | 05:00 pm
Chinese New Year was January 23. I wanted Emma to be able to share some of the traditions with her friends at school. She wore one of her Chinese outfits... Emma and her dear teacher, Miss "Bef" (...
The best kept hair secret EVER! 26 Apr 2012 | 06:50 am
I have never been blessed in the hair department; from as far back as I can remember I have have been cursed with limp, lifeless, lacklustre fine hair. My friends at school called me "three strands" ...