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Debt Settlement Firms are Partnering with Attorneys to Skip Regulations 8 Nov 2011 | 07:18 am
The debt settlement business has boomed in recent years as more Americans find themselves unable to keep up with credit cards and loans. The number of debt settlement firms grew tenfold, to about 1,00...
Morgan Drexen Sued in Virginia 21 Jun 2011 | 04:08 am
In the case of Jenny Sykes v Morgan Drexen, the suit alleges Morgan Drexen is in violation of the Virginia Credit Counseling Act by not being licensed in Virginia to offer services in compliance with ...
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NEW FTC RULES FOR DEBT SETTLEMENT COMPANIES On October 27, 2010 all debt settlements companies will be required to conform to the new rules of the FTC . Following this policy, Provanta has a new pro...
Debt Settlement Fees 25 Aug 2010 | 02:56 am
Today, the Federal Trade Commission came down hard on for-profit debt relief firms. The FTC’s new amendments to the Telemarketing Sales Rule will prohibit debt relief companies from collecting advance...
The Attorney Based Model and the No Advanced Fee Model 10 Jun 2011 | 01:02 pm
The Debt Alternative Center enhanced with two new FTC, TSR Compliant Models: The Attorney Based Model and the No Advanced Fee Model TASC concerned that many debt settlement companies will be unable ...
The FTC Rules on Debt Settlement Industry 11 Oct 2010 | 02:49 am
Do We Need Debt Relief from Debt Settlement Companies? The FTC thinks so. There’s been a huge growth in the number of companies offering credit card debt elimination programs. In the banner ads, you s...
The New FTC Rules for Debt Settlement Companies 30 Jul 2011 | 10:56 pm
Over the past couple of years, due to the economic downturn people are going through a financial crisis, and thus are falling into overwhelming debts. As a result, they are approaching the debt settle...
The State of the Debt Settlement Industry 28 Jan 2011 | 09:59 am
It has been quite a while since we’ve made a post and a lot has happened in the settlement industry since the FTC changes took effect 3 months ago. Most of the smaller debt settlement companies have s...
FTC enacts new regulations for Debt Relief Industry 31 Jul 2010 | 05:37 am
Yesterday (June 29, 2010), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) made a HUGE announcement on new rules that govern the Debt Relief industry. These rules will greatly affect the debt settlement industry’s...
Silver Leaf Debt Solutions 28 Jul 2010 | 03:34 am
REVIEW UPDATED 01/27/2011 Silverleaf Debt Solutions has updated their business model to meet the new FTC standards. They are now charging a flat 15% of the settled debt amount. ORIGINAL REVIEW START...