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Backup Website otomatis menggunakan script PHP, cPanel dan FTP 13 May 2010 | 11:04 pm
Berikut ini script PHP untuk melakukan proses backup website menggunakan cPanel dan FTP. Proses backup tersebut bisa dijalankan secara otomatis, dengan menambahkan script tersebut di crontab (Linux) a...
PHP Photo Album / Gallery 3 Nov 2011 | 05:33 am is an Open Source PHP script which allows you to create your personal Photo Album / Gallery in just a seconds. All you need is a web space hosting with FTP access. No database is needed. ...
WebMail Pro PHP 6.5 adds CardDAV support 8 Aug 2012 | 01:30 pm
The new version of WebMail Pro PHP script cuts the price down and finally lets your mobile users stay in sync for all the data, including mail, calendar, and contacts. Use native apps of your iPhone ...
Extraer base de datos MySql sin acceso a phpMyAdmin 2 Dec 2012 | 07:06 pm
Sencillo script que subido al servidor via ftp y ejecutado via url extrae la base de datos y la manda por correo. Salvar el script como extraedb.php y subirlo al servidor. [php] $creationstart=strtok(...