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Tech FTW 132 27 Aug 2013 | 02:57 pm
تقديم: يوسف النفجان | عبدالله الثاني نتحدث في هذه الحلقة عن تقاعد رئيس مايكروسوفت ستيف بالمر وتاريخه مع الشركة، ثم ننتقل للحديث عن أخبار متنوعة أهمها تفاصيل الآيفون القادم بلونه الذهبي الجديد، والآيف...
مراجعة فيديو لجهاز Nvidia Shield 22 Aug 2013 | 03:27 pm
بعد أن تحدث عنه يوسف في الحلقة 131 من Tech FTW، أبدى العديد منكم اهتمامهم بعمل مراجعة فيديو لجهاز الألعاب الجديد بنظام أندرويد من شركة انفيديا، Shield. قام يوسف بعمل المراجعة ونشرها على قناة FTWeekly...
More ftw 81 related news:
Herbal Viagra 21 Sep 2010 | 11:58 pm
Approximately 52% of men between the ages of 41 and 81 have erectile dysfunction, defined as a regular inability to attain or maintain a natural erection of the penis for satisfactory sexual performan...
Big Buck Bunny in CG magazine from China 9 Jul 2008 | 01:22 am
Today we received a copy of the CG Magazine -July 2008 #81- all the way from China. There is a review of BBB in it, as well as an interview with Ton. We can’t read it, but it must be quite impressive,...
Aah! Real Monsters! (not really) 2 Oct 2011 | 01:56 pm
(copied from my Twitter…mostly) AAH! Hello everyone! Please read the copied tweet (Twitlonger FTW) down below! I am not dead (although I’m just getting over a cold…t’is the season!), and I have not s...
stankoff: Синхронизиране на Android контакти с Facebook снимките им 16 Apr 2011 | 06:19 am
stankoff: Синхронизиране на Android контакти с Facebook снимките им
Servidor KZ n' cg maps 21 Sep 2008 | 05:14 am
IP: NOME: [] #wakeup4life kz n' cg maps SLOTS: 16 AMX: ON ADMINS - niel - malamen - ArNaldO - Sueco / maareq - Jinx - leitinho
CrossLoop Version 2.81 20 Sep 2011 | 06:38 am
Windows changes: Fixed bug where access code sessions started in -multi mode displaying incorrect computer name in viewer title bar, tool tip, etc. Fixed bug when "Start CrossLoop when the computer ...
IsMyLcdOK 1.81 29 May 2012 | 04:00 pm
Effective solution to easily check for dead/stuck pixels on LCD monitor.
Sony Ericsson Yendo Specifications 3 Nov 2010 | 01:25 pm
Sony Ericsson Yendo Specifications Size: 93.5 x 52 x 15.8 mm Weight: 81 gram Networks: GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1990 Display: 2.6 inch, 320 x 240 pixels, 262.144 colour TFT touch display Processor:...
Miyavi + DIO Concertreports 2009: Verbal Abuse FTW 10 Oct 2009 | 07:53 am
Nieuwe CIM 6 Mar 2009 | 12:30 am
Radio's Gemiddeld dagbereik ('000) Gemiddeld dagbereik (%) Marktaandeel (%) Radio 2 (VRT) 1.320,68 24,86 30,23 Q-Music 975,81 18,37 18,10 Donna (VRT) 733,33 13,81 12,47 Studio Brussel ...