Most functional language related news are at:

Executing a MySQL Script through JDBC 31 Jul 2013 | 01:26 am
There’s no way to execute a MySQL script through JDBC, and most of the tools (including SimpleJdbcTestUtils) have weird requirements for the script and/or a bunch of overhead to do what you want to do...
Open Source Announcement: CleanSweep 26 Mar 2013 | 07:22 pm
I just knocked out a generic implementation of a sweeper that leverages Java’s concurrency structures to provide a very pluggable background replacement for finalize(), which we all know is evil. It a...
More functional language related news:
LISP 初體驗 16 Nov 2008 | 11:37 pm
原本以為 LISP 只是一個普通的 functional language,所以之前都沒去接觸。但是在看完<<駭客與畫家>>之後,開始對 LISP 產生興趣。 書裡面提到 LISP 擁有許多最近新語言開始導入的 feature,而 LISP 也擁有一些其他語言沒有的功能。像我主要是被 LISP 的 macro 吸引(比 C 的 macro 強大多了。可以先把他想像成是 return 程式碼的 f...
Fibonacci in Erlang 11 Aug 2011 | 10:44 pm
We’ve seen the fibonacci example in multiple languages, but none of them purely functional. Erlang is a functional language that is growing in popularity due to the ease in which you can create concur...
oDesk php test answers 1 Sep 2012 | 09:02 pm
oDesk PHP5 Test SYLLABUS Forms Fundamentals Variables and Datatypes Advanced Concepts New Concepts in PHP5 Operators and Functions Language Syntax PHP4 Test SYLLABUS Operators Functions A...
One more vote for functional languages 4 Mar 2013 | 08:18 pm
I’ve been doing a lot of work on startup anti-patterns recently so it seems fitting that I look at other things through that lens. Every few months I fall into the same debugging anti-pattern: I start...
Launch X431 GX3 Super Scanner Latin America Version 9 Jun 2013 | 08:26 am
Launch X431 GX3 Super Scanner Universal 16 pin standard adapter connector, integrated all 16 pin diagnosis connector function Language: English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Chinese To buy Russian v...
New adventures with functional languages in financial sector 28 Jun 2013 | 02:01 am
It’s a bit over a year when I wrote “p.s. I felt in love with functional programming with Clojure and F# so much that I could very likely consider a job as a team leader or a lead developer, too.”. It...
Interactive.NET (1) 8 Aug 2013 | 04:00 am
If you ever programmed in a functional language, a dynamic language like Python or Perl, or even BASIC, you’ll likely be familiar with an interactive programming interface - the Read Eval Print Loop. ...
legal:functional_limitations - created 12 Aug 2013 | 09:39 pm
Fed. Cir. addresses functional language in software claims (11/06/11) keyboardless a memory for storing at least one data collection application a processor coupledfor executing said data collection ...
Emailing- Needs Analysis and Functional Language Review [PDF] 21 Aug 2013 | 07:32 pm
New Entry: 'Emailing- Needs Analysis and Functional Language Review' has just been added to the Lesson Plans area of
Taking Advantage of the Polyglot Lifestyle 26 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
If you haven’t heard yet or you’ve simply been under a rock for the past several months, there is a new functional language getting quite a bit of attention. Elixir is the brainchild of José Valim and...