Most funny gtalk status messages related news are at:

rainy picnic spots near mumbai 18 Jul 2013 | 03:07 pm
पावसाळा सुरू झाला की वेध लागतात ते पावसाळी पिकनिकचे. रिमझिम बरसलेल्या पावसामुळे मुंबईकरांची मान्सून पिकनिकची तयारी सुपरफास्ट ट्रॅकवर आहे. कैक फुटांच्या उंचीवरून येणारे फेसाळते पाणी अंगावर घेण्याची ....
Friends katta poem - मित्रांचे कट्टे आजकाल ओसच पडतात 26 Apr 2013 | 01:36 pm
मित्रांचे कट्टे आजकाल ओसच पडतात. कुणी 'Whats up' वर तर कुणी 'Facebook' वर जमतात. प्रत्यक्ष भेटीत सगळेच बुचकळ्यात पडतात. कारण सगळे विषय 'Chat' वरच संपलेले असतात. मग 'Chat' वर भेटूच याचं 'Promi...
More funny gtalk status messages related news:
Funny facebook status messages in hindi 8 Jan 2013 | 08:45 pm
Dil diya tha MOHABBT ki nishani samajh kar, Wo kha gaya use BIRYANI samajh kar. Khoon-e-jiger B na chora zalim ne, Wo B pi gaya LIMON PANI samajh kar.
Stop Talkatone from posting Gtalk status messages 7 May 2013 | 08:58 pm
If you’re using the TalkaTone app on your iPad or iPhone to place and recieve Google voice calls, you might be aware that the app frequently sets your status message to something akin to an advert for...
Funny Facebook statuses 27 Sep 2009 | 04:41 am
As I find more and more quotes to use as a funny Facebook status, I begin to wonder what I was ever doing before. I used to fill my Facebook status update messages with hours of pointless chat about m...
What if I want an intelligent Facebook status? 24 Sep 2009 | 02:22 pm
As you know, this site’s speciality is the funny Facebook status, however sometimes people don’t just want to make a joke when they are changing their status message. I spend a lot of time browsing pe...
Generate Status Messages for Social Networking sites 27 Aug 2010 | 06:57 pm
Now don’t waste your valuable time to think of something suitably witty, funny and original for your status on Social Networking sites like Facebook or Twitter. Generatus is a social networking status...
Best FB Facebook Status Updates – Funny | Cool | Unique 29 Jun 2012 | 05:12 am
Facebook can be an effective way to connect with your friends and family living at far off places from you. The generator that I provided below will help your status messages to appear interesting,...
Best FB Facebook Status Updates – Funny | Cool | Unique 29 Jun 2012 | 02:12 am
Facebook can be an effective way to connect with your friends and family living at far off places from you. The generator that I provided below will help your status messages to appear interesting,...